Re: RELEASE : DaiZy 2018
Posted by
Haleks on
Above wrote
Great update, now assuming you'll use breath fog since it's winter. In my opinion, you should use the gasmask breath, it's way better than the breathing fog I'm using.
*EDIT: Haleks, btw. Would you mind if I use your unlock? I'm redoing "BreakingZero" from scratch, basically. Would save some time if I don't have to figure the unlock.

I'm already using a breath fog script (day & night), but what gasmask breath are you talking about mate?
And I don't mind you using the unlock : you should use the one from this release since it already has the fix for the zombie & loot spawns issues. A couple of words though : you'll most likely have to change the starting backpack to avoid the "bad vehicle" error; I've also removed the part that launches the player UI (I'm launching it from the mission file now). If you just want the unlock without the changes though, use the one from Factions - it works on! ;)
EDIT : scratch that : just remembered that this is a customised code. The unlock from 2018 and the latest Factions won't work on; so you'll definitely wanna use the one from
Factions or
donbutaraul69 wrote
haleks when will be the next update?
Soon! I'm making sure that the new snowy weather is balanced and behaves correctly. I also have a couple of things to fix with the tents.
Steve Zissou wrote
One thing I noticed: Raw goat meat won't cook at fireplaces.
Also, not sure if the temperature gauge is working or not. I spawned just before dawn and was exhaling cold breath, but my temperature has never changed.
Thanks, I didn't notice the goat meat issue!
And the temperature is working (it will go down quite fast if you stand in the rain in the middle of the night), but the breath fog ain't related to the temeprature function at the moment.