Re: RELEASE : DaiZy 2018
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Haleks wrote
Small update on the upcoming changes :
- Removed breath fog for units wearing gas masks.
- Ability to place tents inside buildings & on roofs.
- Removed SVD Camo from bandits & loot tables; added RPK 74 machinegun to the loot tables.
- Dismissed units will go to the nearest town or village, rather than going all the way back to the coast.
A short message will display the name of the town the unit is going to.
- Improved snow weather : it won't snow & rain at the same time anymore. Possibility of snow storms.
Snow will affect the player's temperature.
Winter is coming guys!!!

Great update, now assuming you'll use breath fog since it's winter. In my opinion, you should use the gasmask breath, it's way better than the breathing fog I'm using.
*EDIT: Haleks, btw. Would you mind if I use your unlock? I'm redoing "BreakingZero" from scratch, basically. Would save some time if I don't have to figure the unlock.