Re: RELEASE : DaiZy 2018

Posted by Above on

Haleks wrote
@Above : Thanks man, I'm glad you enjoy it!
I've always liked dayz 2017 - despite a few glitchy features I chose not to include in this : Tokarev & mosin guns, and the post-apo cars (sadly they do not work with the dayz damage system).
To be honest I didn't try the latest version of 2017 (v2.1), but I think the current build up, with the crafting system and the features, works and looks pretty fine. ;)

Oh yes, I've had alot of fun. I'd like the cars, but you got a superb balance between 2017 and I will probably reduce the chance of finding good stuff in my BreakingZero, it was really fun not being super geared, super fast.