Re: RELEASE : DaiZy 2018
Posted by twsmith on
Loving this mod, started in Elektro as well and managed to sneak up and axe an AI with a rusty M16. Took a beating from zombies though because he was firing away and attracted a pile of them. Managed to get patched up and after killing a bunch of zombies I got back and finished looting the bandit. Just finishing up and heard a shot just miss me. I hit the ground and managed to locate the sniper. Crawled to better cover and then flanked the bugger and killed him with my axe. Camo SVD with 2 mags and a tent, sweet! Took a nap for 3 hours and covered the hot loot spots again but now I'm getting very low on health and food is scarce. I'm going to have to venture into the woods to do some hunting. The only thing I'd recommend is to add matches or a tinder box to starting gear instead of the random gun.
Any chance of a walking zeds version once you've got time?