Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk
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Haleks on
Stalker (ATF) wrote
Don't get me wrong, the blowouts are great, but they don't effect anyone else.
Are you 100% sure about that? I've been reading some stuff on Sumrak's website, and it appears that they affect the AI as well as players.
Stir wrote
Last thing: can u plz add one more unit in NAC patrol with helmet and ER7 RFW (if u already done it in last update don't bother)
Well, eventhough it would be consistant with the NAC loadouts from the NightStalkers campaign, it would make it quite easy to find that gun (not mention it has a very distinctive sound) - and once you've found an ER7, what's left to do?^^