Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk v1.2 [07/15 UPDATED]
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Haleks on
DeathSquad wrote
i just updated to 1.2 and now i get this error include file nst\ns_dayz\code\system\REsec.sqf not found then my game crashs hope i get some help on this cuz everything i post here is ignored thanks.
Guys, I just don't have time to answer to every post in here... :/
Make sure you have a
ns_dayz file in the addons of your @NC folder.
Were you able to play v1.1 without error? Are you sure you didn't forget to add "@NC" in your shortcut target line?
If you've done all that correctly, then I don't know what to say, because that file has always been there :/