Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk
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mp5lng on
Haleks wrote
mp5lng wrote
And what about EVR Helmets ? If that's the right name ! Are they present in the game ? And the gauss rifle ? & the bloodsuckers ? I know i know too much questions ! XD But hey ! It's all about having fun !
The APSI device, as well as the gauss rifle & the bloodsuckers are included and working (still to be confirmed for the bloodsuckers though).
AWESOME MAN ! i'll keep an eye for the bloodsucker, and i have something about the Blowout....if you get inside a building you won't loose health but you'll get knoked down anyway, wich is kind of off the Stalker feature, so my suggestion is....can you tweak this codes so you won't get knoked down if you are hidden in a building ? cause it's not easy to find an APSI device any soon, it's not a big request but just to give more reality to the mission if it is gonna be stalker like features,.