Posted by
Haleks on
Stalker (ATF) wrote
Hey Haleks....anyway you can add a hospital in the larger cities? Maybe some MASH tents around? Definately need more chances of getting your hands on blood bags. There are so many patrols, and getting nailed by zombies that I haven't been able to survive long enough to really test out every area of the map.
I'm not planning on messing with new buildings - but I clearly overdid it with the NAC patrols. I've already redone them completely.
By the way, here's the updated changelog for the upcoming v1.2 :
Fixed weather (snow should work properly).
Added one NAC soldier model (with helmet).
Fixed loot table (some items & weapons are not spawning properly due to some typos in Sumrak's code).
Removed that ugly AKS gold from the loot table.
Fixed spawn sequence for NAC patrols (they could spawn quite far from each other and take some time to regroup).
Removed anti-dupe system.
Fixed pick-up backpacks action (now works with the post-apo bags).
Specific loadouts for NAC soldiers.
Redone NAC patrol spawns (they will spawn in key areas such as military bases).
Tweaked AI behaviour for survivors & bandits (better chances to survive NAC patrols).
Fixed Base building script (not working in v1.1).
Added back Sound bug restore to the utility menu.
Fixed damages for a couple of vehicle spawns.
I'm currently testing the latest changes.
@mp5lng : The loot table written by Sumrak seems to contain some typos errors - wich I've fixed for the upcoming update. Hopefully this will fix the loot spawn issue, as well as Loki's and Kron Support Call not working currently.