Re: RELEASE : DaiZy - FACTIONS : Namalsk

Posted by mp5lng on

Well haleks, i don't know if it's only me but the loot become so rare or even absent after some time, i started the mission and everything was good, of course except of the 2017 backpacks unable to pickup. Anyway, the dark has landed on Namalsk now and i can't see any crape, i started tossing flares around here & there, heard M4 shots in the woods but couldn't see of course so i started looting buildings  (i am in the city up north), found an Enfield with 1 mag and a knife and some trash and a czech backpack becide a biiig crazy snowman and than nomore loot, i know some places around namalsk, let's say i know 30% of namalsk XD, i know some buildings do have loot, at least food cans, and the supposed to have loot on it ! it always does ! BUT NOTHING IN THE MARKET, not even trash, maybe it's the same problem from Chernarus factions,.
hope thins help somehow,.
