dayz overwatch request.

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dayz overwatch request.

ive played this and this mod seems pretty legit. hoping for sp
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Re: dayz overwatch request.

BossMan wrote
ive played this and this mod seems pretty legit. hoping for sp
Ha! I was just about to post a pre-release thingy majigy in the future release subforum.

I might be making a singleplayer for this. Although, it is pretty much BreakingPoint with additional skins.
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Re: dayz overwatch request.

ik but custom places too and more.
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Re: dayz overwatch request.

In reply to this post by BossMan
I agree overwatch SP would be so amazing
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Re: dayz overwatch request.

In reply to this post by Above
Is this still going to happen?
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Re: dayz overwatch request.

Nila95 wrote
Is this still going to happen?

Overwatch and Breaking Point is literally the same thing.
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Re: dayz overwatch request.


Overwatch has the modified map with loads of extra barracks, firestations, supermarkets etc.

I don't know if BP does too ? But noone knows what BP is since they hid themselves away after trying to (allegedly) steal people's CD Keys / GUIDs. Overwatch is a recognized and trusted name though.

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Re: dayz overwatch request.

malau wrote
Overwatch has the modified map with loads of extra barracks, firestations, supermarkets etc.

I don't know if BP does too ? But noone knows what BP is since they hid themselves away after trying to (allegedly) steal people's CD Keys / GUIDs. Overwatch is a recognized and trusted name though.

Overwatch literally just copied the BreakingPoint files, added a skin and some already written scripts (I'm not trying to say that I did anything else). But the least me and the Overwatch people deserve is credits for copying shit.

The code in the launcher that could potentially be used for keytheft was removed. And no one was ever hacked, and blaimed the Breaking Point community. Deathlyrage is the reason Overwatch even exists.
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Re: dayz overwatch request.

Perhaps I will create a post for this in 'HELP' section too.

How easy (if possible at all) for a user to trick DayZai into using the Overwatch Dayz Chernarus map ?
Or maps from servers you have joined (it downloads them when you connect to a server with a custom map, doesn't it ?)
Or even Chernarus with extra added buildings I have added myself in the Editor ?

Would it just be a matter of replacing certain files in some of the PBOs and recompiling them ?
If it is possible, what files in what PBO would I need to replace ?

I really cannot stomach vanilla Chernarus anymore.