dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

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dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

Hi All,

I have been playing dayz for a while with DayZ Commander, latest OA patch (102591) and dayz (
Today I tried to install daizy factions:

But I am always stuck at the "you cannot play/edit ... chernarus" error message when I start Arma2 OA, then singleplayer, Scenarios, "daiZy Chernarus 1.7.6 FACTIONS".

As per instructions I did the following:

1. copy the entire @dayZ folder and paste as @DaiZyFACTIONS
2. downloaded the package from the thread and extracted it overwriting some of the files in the @daizyFACTIONS\Addons
3. downloaded the DaiZyFactions.chernarus.pbo file and placed into the Missions folder
4. created a new shortcut adding the  -mod=@DaiZyFACTIONS, this how the target looks like:

"F:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -skipIntro -mod=@DaiZyFACTIONS

As reference, dayz commander launches everything from:

F:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead

So I know the path is correct. dayZ launches via DayZ commander and works, Arma2/Arma2 OA works as well.

What am I doing wrong?


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Re: dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

Anubis wrote
What am I doing wrong?
Nothing, it seems...
Can you copy the exact error message? I honestly have no clue why it wouldn't work.
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Re: dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

You have to copy the "Addons" folder from ArmA 2 to ArmA 2 OA.

The reason DayZ works and not SP is (I think) because Steam has been patched to deal with it.
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Re: dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

In reply to this post by Anubis
Thanks for the support! I am not at home now (will be tomorrow evening) so I am unable to check, but I found here:

My error message (see "common errors",4th paragraph, "you cannot play/edit ... cherarus". The answer is that I should launch Arma2 CO and not OA.

When I edited the shortcut, I made it for Arma2 OA. Is this my mistake? May I ask you which EXE are you using for the shortcut?

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Re: dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

Why not go the easy way and add "-mod=@DaiZyFactions" to the DayZCommander startup parameters, you won't even need to think of what .exe to use.
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Re: dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

I didn't know I could go via dayz commander as well :-) I will try that option as soon as I will be at home tomorrow.

Thanks for the tip.

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Re: dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

Anubis wrote
I didn't know I could go via dayz commander as well :-) I will try that option as soon as I will be at home tomorrow.

Thanks for the tip.

I exe shortcut is the OA beta patch.
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Re: dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

In reply to this post by Anubis
It is working now! As Above pointed out, I had to copy the "Addons" folder from main Arma2 to Arma2 OA, there was nothing wrong with the shortcut.

I will start to explore it, and thanks for the support :-)

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Re: dayZ works fine but I am unable to start daiZy...

Anubis wrote
It is working now! As Above pointed out, I had to copy the "Addons" folder from main Arma2 to Arma2 OA, there was nothing wrong with the shortcut.

I will start to explore it, and thanks for the support :-)

No worries, I'm just glad it worked out for ya!