completly new map ovaron

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completly new map ovaron

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first install the map just drag the @ovaron folder to your OA directory

then drag the mission to your missions folder in the OA directory

and for loot to spawn in all buildings at this point i have not compiled a code specificly for this map but you can however run your current of SP code for chernarus,Celle,Taviana and Namalsk for EX.

mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@daizy_namalsk;@dayz sp;@mbg_celle2_sp;@taviana_sp;@ovaron1.3"

if you do not understand this ghetto way of getting loot to spawn i will be trying to compile a code for this map but it is gonna take a little time.

for the amazing sp mission we have

for the map

and myself [Fedus_87] for throwing some stuff together lol
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Re: completly new map ovaron

That map looks pretty boss. How big is it? :D
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Re: completly new map ovaron

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If you are having problems with loot spawns, why don't you contact "Commander1985" and see if he can help?
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Re: completly new map ovaron

In reply to this post by fedus_87
Loot did spawn in many of the buildings, you just have to wait a bit.
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Re: completly new map ovaron

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GhostsNightmare wrote
Loot did spawn in many of the buildings, you just have to wait a bit.
Ya, I've noticed that on every release lately. Not sure if it's only in custom buildings or not. I think it's loot in general. (Likely because you computer is processing the loot).
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Re: completly new map ovaron

yea what DayZ_SP was saying is if i was needing help getting loot to spawn with a custom file made just for this release which contains all of the loot spawns to maybe ask the original author fot help because he would obviously know the map inside and out.
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Re: completly new map ovaron

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In reply to this post by fedus_87
Two questions:
1) Why do I grunt every five seconds once wounded even after healing to full health whether through legitimate methods OR through the cheat?

2) Why can't I use the cheat menu any more after using it to call reinforcements (bandits) or (survivors)? EDIT: And why do both shoot at me?
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Re: completly new map ovaron

TechnoScrabble wrote
1) Why do I grunt every five seconds once wounded even after healing to full health whether through legitimate methods OR through the cheat?
I had the same problem with several other releases. Did you use the ingame Cheat menu? I think it might be related to that feature : I'm trying a new run without using it, and so far, nothing to report.
Will keep testing to be sure.
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Re: completly new map ovaron

In reply to this post by TechnoScrabble
both questions are related to whatever version of the code's you are using to run the mission.

if you would like to tell me the files being use and what version of each i could possibly help but untill then i really have no clue as i did not provide any code for dayz i only provided the mission and i took a shot a compiling code just for this map but i simply do not have the time to do so.
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Re: completly new map ovaron

TechnoScrabble's my target path.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DaiZy;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@MHCelleSP;@DaiZyLingorSP;@DaiZyPantheraSP
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Re: completly new map ovaron

About the moaning when getting "injured" this happens on MP too, and the only way to fix it (out of my exp) is to change skin.
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Re: completly new map ovaron

hey do you have another link for this sp mission, the link on this page is not working?
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Re: completly new map ovaron

the link is working now i think !
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Re: completly new map ovaron

thanks ,but it still isnt working, cant open it with 7-zip
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Re: completly new map ovaron

In reply to this post by Above
Hey above do you know why i would get a black screen when i start this mission, if i save the game i can see everything while it is saving and then it goes black again, no sound either.
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Re: completly new map ovaron

this is not suggested as it was just a thrown together thing its not even a single code for it with the new code it probably doesnt work so yea im probably going to take this post down in a few days lol.

i have a breaking point ovaron put together i will upload it here in a few days i have to take some stuff out it was for me personally and i use a ton of mods.

i have still been coding but i like to use alot of mods and whatnot and its just to much to upload at times.
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Re: completly new map ovaron

cool, that would be great, never played on this map. thanks