Like the title says, why do you play single player and not multiplayer?
Personally, I got fed up with people who have fun ruining other peoples fun (hackers/bandits). I even tried private servers but when a clan of 10 players join and hoard all vehicles and heli crash sites it seems impossible to do well as a lone wolf. I enjoy playing in single player because I can practice flying a helicopter and trying different snipers with the range finders. When I found my first AS50 I didn't have a clue what to do with it, same goes with flying a helicopter. After spending hours getting decent gear and fixing up a heli it seems a waste to loose it all in a few minutes. What about you guys? |
Gives me a chance to actually enjoy the game, as opposed to knowing that any enjoyment I would have gotten from the multi-player is short lived while its currently designed with the "sniper on the hill mentality". Combine that with server hacks/player wipes/hacker issues, I simply have no desire to waste any time playing the game when the outcome has already been decided for me.
The only way to win, is not to play... Fix those issues, and I am happy to play both! |
In reply to this post by wb
It gives me the chance to actually play without having some loot goblin or hacker coming around and ruining my fun.
Thanks again for the great mod. :) |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by wb
When I first played the multiplayer, the joy of discovery and working things out was a large part of the draw for me. The mod was still new and I didn't know anyone who knew much about it. My mate, Lex, bought Operation Arrowhead for me and we started playing together.
I had a blog, so I wrote an installation guide for my friends as it was pretty tricky to get it going at the time. I was posting blog articles every weekday back then and I devoted a week to DayZ. I heard about someone doing a single player mod, so I thought it worth covering. I was suggesting to friends that they might like to play single player for a bit to familiarise themselves with the controls and stuff. Lex is quite a prolific author of gameplay videos and I felt encouraged to make my own. I decided to make one with a zombie as the presenter. Goodness knows why, but I did. We were very keen to get our hands on a helicopter at the time, so I used single player to practice fixing them so that, in the event we found one, we could get it up and away (hopefully) before we got slaughtered. So I worked out the easiest method to get a helicopter in the air and made a video with the zombie presenter. It would have been very difficult to do this in multiplayer, so I did it in single player. Here's the video (oh and I am trying to put on an accent - that's nothing like my actual voice): I wasn't really playing single player very much at the time, but I started using it to test out various guns and things so I could decide what to go for in the online play. My article on installation was getting quite a few hits by then (it's up to almost 500,000 now) and the second most popular one was the single player. And then Kronzky (the single player author) fell out with Rocket (the DayZ dev) and it was removed. I was getting a lot of people posting saying that they wanted the file. So I modified the article to explain how to keep it running and suggested that people could still get a copy from me if they could guess my gmail address. I was getting enough emails every day that it was worth writing a template reply to save me time. Around this time I got hit by my first hacker. I was fully kitted out and suddenly I was in mid-air and heading for the ground, just like everyone else on the server. Damn it. A couple of people popped up on the blog to say that they wanted to modify single player and they seemed to think that I was some kind of expert. I really don't know much about editing ArmA pbo files at all, but I tried my best to help them. I spent a lot of time with one guy trying to add AI players, but we had real trouble getting them to fire at zombies without them shooting at buildings, loot, garbage, etc (you might notice that you can't pick up loot after summoning bodyguards in Unknown's version - this is because the classes are changed to enable targeting - I think - something I could never figure out). I was now getting killed by hackers quite often, so I was playing more single player just for fun. A while later Unknown turned up on the blog with his version of the mod and my flagging interest in the game was revived. I must stress that he does all the coding - I just do a bit of testing of preview versions and provide space on the blog. I haven't played multiplayer for a while. I'd got killed by hackers so often that I was quite expert in getting kitted out in a hurry. Normally within two hours I could have my favourite M16 ACOG, ghillie suit, nightvision goggles, G17 pistol and all the supplies and ammo I could need. And then what? There really was nothing for me to do other than hunt players and I don't like to hunt players. I am happy to take out fully-kitted opponents who are hostile, but I loathe the kind of inconsiderate types who hang around the coast sniping newly-spawned players or beginners. So I've pretty much been playing single player ever since. I still drop into multiplayer from time to time, mostly to deliver supplies to friends who are a bit stuck. I guess I might get back into multiplayer when the standalone comes out - if they deal with hackers. And that's my (very long) story. I've made three other DayZ videos since and I've got another two, all shot in single player (one of them with a custom version of single player - thanks Unknown!). |
In reply to this post by wb
Started to gain interest in Dayz when I discovered a random yahoo answer that recommend I be ready for the Dayz release. I've been playing Zombie games forever and usually play games on the Xbox. This game returned me to PC games. Due to my old laptop breaking and forcing me to purchase a new one, I now can play some worthy games that I was never able to play before, like that STALKER series that I can remember foaming over since 2005. Great fucking games btw. I highly recommend them, even if they are a little buggy.
I've always been more interested in single player games as I try to keep my social life and gaming separate (I play games instead of watching T.V.). Therefore I can say I wanted to play Dayz any way I could, multi or not. I really kinda wanna play with some other people though, offers that much more to the survival aspect of the game. Anyway, I do what I gotta do to play a game, and with the internet these dayz...fuck, I remember a time when steam didn't exist. Asides all that irrelevancy, I (personally) did not agree with Rocket removing the original SP mod for Dayz. For some reason he wouldn't except a mod of a mod. |
@Mr Funny :
I am guessing, that the commercial implications are probably why Rocket was forced to remove the single player portion, as the standalone is under development, I guess they did not want to take any chances. I do see his point of view, but I also realize that he works for the company that are making the game, so I view it with an eye of suspicion when people do things like that. I did not appreciate them stamping on peoples creativity though, so that got my back up a bit when they disabled single player in the mod. Without Dayz, Arma 2 was a sleeper hit that would have been left that way. I bought the game because of Dayz, and I got Arma 2/Arrowhead as bonuses, however they are fairly good all-round games, so its a good budget buy with lots of long term playability for the money. Until the multiplayer gets a bit of attention, and weapons are a bit more balanced/less easy to get, I probably will not go back there until the stand-alone. Every time I logged in, we just get teleported into the sea and everyone dies. I am not wasting any more time trying to gear up, I have better things to do in the real world... |
Single player was originally written by a chap named Kronzky. He's published a lot of mods and tools for ArmA 2, so it only seemed natural to make something for DayZ. Rocket has always intended to add a single player, but hasn't got around to it so he initially liked Kronzky's work.
There was a problem with Kronzky's SP in that, every time DayZ was updated, it would break and Kronzky would have to adapt it again. Rocket and Kronzky got together and Rocket offered him source code access asking in return that Kronzky hosted the file on the main DayZ site and told Rocket what he was doing with it. That way there was just the one place to go for DayZ files and MP and SP would stay up-to-date with each other. But Kronzky didn't do as Rocket asked and so they had a bit of a falling out. They both announced that SP was over and that it wouldn't be distributed any more. And that's the story of that. I should point out that Rocket isn't an employee of Bohemia and hasn't been before either. He was contracted by Bohemia to do some work in the past, but was never formally employed by them. Since the success of DayZ, he's moved over to Prague (where Bohemia are based) and is working in their offices, using their staff. So far, Rocket hasn't made a penny from DayZ, but Bohemia have made a ton of money from selling the base games. Hopefully the standalone will be out by the end of this year (although it will be an alpha test version, but we're used to that) and Rocket can start making some cash. |
I didn't realise you were the author of that video kodabar! That's the video I used to learn how to fix a chopper when I first started playing, and I liked the cockney accent haha.
Interesting to hear how the single player first came about and has continued to be edited. I remember when rocket first stated that they do not support private servers before the majority of the community flocked to them due to hackers. A few days ago I saw a post by rocket on reddit saying that he recommends players to join private servers to avoid the hacks. I'm pretty sure he and the team is more focused on the standalone than the state of the current mod. There hasn't been an update for dayz for a while. I think I saw a post on his twitter saying he was going to release the source code of the mod to private servers to experiment with. Although I don't think he supports single player, I doubt he will go out of his way to stop arma missions being edited. |
In reply to this post by kodabar
Thanks, I didnt know that, I knew that Kronzky was the original modder though, kudos to him and you for your work!
In reply to this post by Mr. 'funny'
That video is sooo funny, I just wish I wasn't drinking a cup of tea at the time, most of it came out of my nose!
I loved the game when it first came out and a group of us made a private server, which too me, was one of the best things ever because I loved helping people and running around in a group but then that went to pot, which left me with MP. Where NO-ONE helps each other! it got to the point, that everyone is so afraid, that they shoot on sight, just on the safe-side. So, I only joined servers, that had no players, to collect items and thought, what's the point of that? I may as well play single player! Plus it does give you more of that apocalyptic feel, knowing you are the only proper human in Chernarus. BD |
In reply to this post by wb
I play it because my PC doesn't have a permanent internet connection. Just sayin'
My 7 reasons why SP:
1) Internet connections can be dodgy from time to time, FACT. I want to enjoy SP when my internet goes cough xbox one cough 2) in some cases less lag 3) NO HACKERS 4) The survivor 'feel'. In DayZ feeling like a lone wolf just adds to the experience. 5) SP is a great training ground for Bambis :p 6) Being able to save and load. Although some consider this cheating, it is useful when to just load up where you went wrong, especially when you are just starting out. I rarely do this now but I did it a lot when I first got Daizy 7) Its just as addicting and fun, so why not :) I really hope Rocket sees what Kodabar has achieved with Daizy, maybe the standalone will feature sp, although that is highly unlikely . . . |
In reply to this post by wb
Simply because I can't for a long while ( years under contract in an area with-out decent broadband connections.)
As far as play goes, ... I like MP better. MP simply has that unknown element to it, where you do not know where or what players are going to do. Thats the only real "challenge" of Dayz or other Arma2 survival mods. Zeds are not much of a issue, just an annoyance. AI spawns are predicable and act rather wonky , unless aim-botting through dense trees or structures, they are usually very easy to take out. I had never gotten hit by a hacker , I think I came into Arma2 Dayz mod late, so Battle Eye took care most of that. Epoch and Overpoch is where I started ... I enjoyed the weapons of Overpoch , but hated the ease of access that players, especially bandit types had for high end military vehicles. It always became a jet and tank fest war very rapidly. So I went back to Epoch , even though some traders offered ease of access to some higher end gear, it was harder somewhat to get at least. The only issue there was ... well the other players. Some players just get stupid on multi-player games ... you'd have idiots hanging around trader safezones, trying to exploit when you purchased something and raid your back pack , or try to kill you as you left the safe zone, or steal your vehicle right as it spawned. Others would like someone above mentioned, just hang around coast areas looking to kill bambis and new spawns. RP servers, I tried a few ... getting into a whitelist/hive was a pain in the butt, and my Ideas of RP never matched all the "rules" of RP servers , which basically restricted the game to the point, it was pointless. I got banned from one , because I chose to defend myself instead of complying with some random jerk trying to rob me ... I was like in real life, I would have went for my gun , but why in appocalypse RP, was I expected to just stand there and take it from a guy more than 100 feet away? So, I left after that and never looked back. Epoch had it's flaws , and all of them were presented by other players. If there was a way to be an asshat, Epoch seemed to bring it out of players. I played on a server regularly, my survivor played long enough to become the highest level end hero... and that was from killing zombies with an axe, and taking out bandit AI missions. I survived in game 417 days as that "hero" ... I forget how many real life hours that was put into it, but I played regularly for months. I was absolutely the only player to play a hero there. Everyone else was a KOS bandit, or KOS bandit wanna be. Clans started forming , and I noticed when my bases or stashes were discovered, a big base would pop up right next to mine. A server wipe ended that ... and i decided to do what everyone else did and go bandit. Talk about being on Easy mode!!!! There's no incentive to be a hero in Dayz , yeah if you put the time and effort in, you get better skins, and some trader options no one else gets, but those weren't so much better it made or broke the game. A Bandit however, only had to get a few quick murders ... and they had access to some high level gear very quickly. Being a hero, you were alone. Even times I found a few new spawns grateful that I killed a ambushing bandit for them ... , eventually they'd turn into bandits too, and do their best to try and end you later on. Or raid your base or stash if discovered. I was usually alone as a bandit as well, I focused more on surviving and base building than I did actively seeking players to murder. Normally, it was simply other bandits I targeted , for payback or they were just "KOS stupid" and I couldn't stomach their presence. PVE servers ... dull, lifeless , and boring. No challenge in the long run. Once you got geared had food and water ... there wasn't much to do afterwards. Like I said Zeds are an annoyance, but not a challenge. So for me the only way I was "nervous" and cautious playing, was on MP servers where basically players were KOS Stupid or just generally played to murder-steal what you had. That was a challenge , even though I could usually manage to aviod most players and detection ... I returned to the server I survived as a hero for so long, they updated some files, had some new things in it. Spawning bikes, helicopters, and cars if you could find a toolbox and some parts. Nice touch , but gave everyone way to much easy mode freedom again. I did my " stealth" play then again , not focusing on being hero or bandit, just setting up a base and getting all horded up what I could. Again I survived many, many days ... and became friends with the server admin. We joined up a time or two trying to set a base up together ( more in a public spot to invite some confrontation) , but others would do dumb things like kamakazi into the base , or attack the base when we were offline. So I went back to my stealth mode again. I survived for a long time that way ... until the admin started posting my location occasionally by global chat , he got to where he couldn't stand other players couldn't find me, my base, or that I was avoiding confrontation. Once players figured out where I was building ... again, I'd get next door bases popping up. I got aggravated at it ... not because I got unexpected or undesired neighbors, but the fact it took me months of scavenging and attaining supplies to build a simple small secure base ... and usually over night ... I'd have huge towering bases pop up next to mine. Then the server just ... dissapeared on me, and I never found one afterwards that I had good connection to, that had elements in it I could live with. Then I took this job, which ended my online play. So I discovered Daizy , and have lurked here for about two years before joining the forums. Since I cannot seem to create my own dayz SP anything ... I download na duse what's avalaible here. It's not quite the same as playing online, with KOS Stupid people ... but at least gives me some DayZ or Survival "fix" until I can return to online play. BY the time I do that, looks like I have to go Arma 3 ... seems thats where everything has gravitated too. Sadly. There really wasn't much "wrong" with arma2 OA ... and has more mods. Just no longer any "support" ... But that's me I guess. Then again ... Arma3 will be outdated and ill used probably then too. DayZ standalone is out for me... talk about redundant, and has so many aggravating elements in it, I consider it unplayable in the enjoyment department. Has nothing to do with other players ... just an aggravating system of mechanics that grind on my nerves. So, for now ... I'm stuck here in the ancient land of Arma2 OA mods and missions , and I like the extra things Dayz or Dayz like mods add to arma. I don't play MIL missions or any of that, because you lack an UI , back packs don't work on all models, you usually can't heal yourself ... ect, ect, ect ... I despise getting hit in normal Arma2 , where you lay there calling for a medic for an hour will is either dead already too, or just not going to heal you ... Enemies always aim bot you. Flopping/rolling around unable to do anything but reset or respawn ... just stupid. Long winded I know, but there it is. Many years after this post I now see too ... hahaha! I necro'd not paying attention. |
Since we seem to be going off topic in Oliv82 thread I thought I'd move it somewhere more fitting;
I think Epoch was a blessing and a curse for DayZ - I think Epoch created something wonderful but it wasn't the survival experience DayZ was originally designed to be. I think you hit the nail on the head when you noted that the bike was for noobs to get off the coast but I've also see it (the deploy-able bike) used in hardcore PVP servers so players could get back into the action or their team mates quicker. I don't really understand using the cheat menu in a SP game myself. I mean, you can play whatever way you like in a SP game but I seems to remove the point for playing for me. But playing SP DayZ (say Oliv82's Chernarus Factions mod) I think it could be an item that's has genuine merit especially if other vehicles are limited or there's a very real fuel shortage - which has been introduced to the mod recently. You're right, perhaps we should call them "disposable vehicles" in the realm of a PVP server. LOL. ![]() My experience was somewhat similar; I missed the whole DayZ vanillia altogether only really playing the mod around the time Epoch came out. I'd seen a lot of "Frankies" Youtube videos for the Arma 2 DayZ mod and enjoyed them immensely. It was only much later than I began to really appreciate the survival aspect of the game. When I spawn in on the shore I still get that thrill of the unknown. What do you think of DayZ Standalone? |
From what little I experienced of Standalone ( mind you , that was when it was Alpha not Beta, not sure if it makes much difference.) ... I played at a friends house on his computer that makes me drool ... he had the game, but didn't like it either.
1- Number one thing was how aggravating the "system" was over-all. My first time in, I found a decent non-broken Acog, and a rifle to go on it. Magazines I searched long for ... found some but they were "poor quality" and jammed the gun every other shot. Took me forever to figure out how to load the correct ammo in them too. ( there's a sever lack of hints or was.) Th every first firefight I got into with another player ... broke my nice rifle, my acog , and ruined my clothing. He only shot me once. secondary shooting ... iron sights always "off" , the guns would shoot up to the left or down to the right , many times your "hits" obscured by the weapon aim, so you don't really know how to "compensate" for it. So aggravating to try to head shot a zombie , only to at point blank range, hit it in the shoulder ( useless hit in standalone. ). 2- Entirely too much "focus" by DEVs to install redundant/aggravting minor aspects, while leaving huge bugs and glitches not fixed. half the crap you "find" simply did not work, or couldn't pick it up or put it down, something like that always happened. Or putting item in backpack, it dissipated ... but by golly, if you had canned food and no can opener, you were screwed! Just like Arma2 dayZ mod ... somethings just did not make realistic sense ... like WTF do you "need matches" to light a fire? Was there never Google in the Zed Apocalypse, or boy scouts? No one could rub sticks together and make fire from friction? Now you need a working can opener to eat canned food on top of it all? ( in Real life, all you need is asphalt, concrete, or course rock ... rub the can upside down vigorously until it opens. Or ... use the knife or hatchet blade to open the thing!!! but nooo ... had to have a can opener! Nothing else worked! ) More aggravation in the medical system department ... they made it way to complex. You need a doctor degree just to know exactly how to stop bleeding. If you didn't use the right "wipes" , you always got infection. Water was full of plague no matter what. Not that you ever found antibiotics ... 3- Zeds ... just as glitchy , just "looked better" old Arma2 "infected/Zombies" like from the days of Zombie Sandbox mission before OA/CO came out, and DayZ was a thing or developed. Great looks, bad glitchy stuff. Zeds hitting you from miles away , desync all across the board ... and 4- Dissapointingly, you can't really play standalone how you want. Can't set it up how you want ... you are "stuck" with developer content only, no way to mod it , and stuck on what servers they provide for the game. I HATE buying games, I can't play how I want to ... or have no options beyond what devs think is fun. Maybe Standalone allows you to rent your own Standalone server now?? ( back then I don't think it was an option. ), but they made it "illegal" to user-end mod it further ... so chances of a Standalone Epoch, or even a SP standalone, or even a simple LAN closed group Standalone is possible... legally. 5 - Even though it's fleshed out more, ... omg, Chenarus ... more Cherno. Me personally, ... I have never liked Chernarus map. It's really gotten old. Why not NAPF? Or something "better" than Chernarus at least? Even a custom made new island/map would have been "better" in my opinion. 6- despite my buddy having a water-cooled "super computer" that any military would be envious of ... Desync and lag, and FPS was still bad. I think maybe internet connection had alot to do with it , but still ... it wasn't very good at times, especially when very foggy/smoke/dust blowing alot and high traffic areas going on. -------------------------------------------------------- Then there's the whole issue of ... the "novelty of zombies" has worn off ... standalone is more Zombie-survival while putting up with a system/engine designed to screw you over , than it is a PvP KOS fest that arma2 mod dayz became. Players do tend to "RP" more in Standalone , or at least try to talk a bit before flinging ammo. But, like I said before ... the whole "zombie apocalypse" has gotten old. Everyone is "jaded" to it nowadays. It' s been done, and done over and over to death. So buying a game, specifically centered around zombie survival ... with no other options, not what I desire at all anymore. -------------------------------------------------------- personally, I think Arma3 is the way to go. Halek's ravage mod alone, makes it EASY to set up your own custom, and easily configured "survival mod/mission" ... you can have zombies , or not. Demons even ... I'm sure modules will come out, allowing for more "options" once community made "monsters" are done and released. ALSO ... super easy to Single Player it. Not that the DayZ mods available for Arma3 are "bad" in any way ... quite the opposite. Check out the English Armstalkers on youtube ... also very interesting. It's a actual Multiplayer Stalker , with factions, with PvP/PvE Co-OP and RP ... it's almost like, the Stalker game in real time, with a living/thriving environment included. I watched a youtube series done by a guy named Rekkless , on "Day of the Dead" series ... where they used Zeus ( a mission sandbox control center like thing) to make a very intense , dark and scary muti-player Co-Op experience, that was zombie/demon infested "survival" ... but not specifically DayZ either. Zeus seems to allow users, to be kind of like a "game master" , setting up stuff on the fly as needed. Possessing NPCs to give missions, details, hints ...ect ... that alone increases the potential of what can be accomplished as far as playing goes. that means ... possibilities are almost endless ... all one "needs" is for community made content or dev updates/support is needed. Sorry for the long winded post. ;) |
I'll re-address and update my "wants/needs" on why I play SP here...
First off ... I lack a nice gaming computer. I'm still playing on a laptop, where I have to set graphics just right to play with any "decent" FPS at all, and still at times I can drop FPS depending on the map/load ... Secondly , my internet I have now , better than NONE , but I live in BFE/very rural area/state. Where I am at, you have OLD DSL , or satellite Internet options ... for high speed. if you guys do not know this, satellite internet ( Hues-net, Dish-network, Skycast , ect ...) the "delay" in input/out put make sit impossible to stream movies or play online games in real time, if at all. DSL of course, only so much "bandwith" can run through non-fiberoptic cables ... Thats mainly "why" ... as I do tend to prefer the "unexpected" means of PvP possibilities. Not that I like getting needlessly Killed On Sight , with no reason except the other players simply want to be assholes and ruin your play ... But still , Ai can never match what capable thinking players can do. Nor do AI make the same "mistakes" or are capable of them. The "engine" sometimes " pretends" it's AI can't see you ... but that dissolves very quickly when they do " know" and aimbot head shoot you through a building wall, for example. Where as a Player ... can lose track of you, even if they spot you before hand. if he flanks "left" , you can flank "right, and never see each other again ... or just "bug out" tactically. A player often will get confused as to where shots are coming from ( I know I do still, even when AI are mag dumping nearby, and my headphones do not distinguish direction of shots well. ), but Once you pop at AI ... again, aimbot ... AI can only be scripted so much, and still results aren't ... all that. In some ways, AI is simply Over-powered and too difficult at times, or on the opposite end of the spectrum and are way too easy other times. With Ai there's no real "in between" , it's either super easy mode, or deluxe too hard/impossible mode. Players, makes for more variety ... and experience in playing does matter sometimes there too. BUT .... All that said ... I would enjoy MORE Co_Op play , than PvP play nowadays. Not massively full servers of dayz "survival" ... I'd actually rather have more "DaiZy" SP " feel" , but that allows just a handful of of survivors to play with ya. To me , SP is ok. SP allows me to go at my own pace, do as I wish ... not meeting needs/expectations of other players. Sometimes, I just do not want the hassle or head-ache of MP at all. I just want to chill, relax and play. Other times , I get tired of being "alone" ... no one to share laughs with , help do things , watch your back ...ect ... , what you experience in SP , you are the only one to get a thrill or kick out of. MP allows sharing of such adventures ... creation of stories, ect ... which is what I want more, than someone to shoot at or shoot at me. ( technically, if I REALLY desire PvP , Team Death Match , or Wasteland is honestly a "better" means of getting that PvP on, it' s what those mods/missions were designed for.) On those topics though ... there is always the "option" to rent a server, and password it , only allowing your buddies "in" to play. But, thats also a monthly cost, and if a server host, doesn't have your files already ... a pain in the butt to set up. Keeps costing every month. Some charge a price gouging "per player slot" or limit bandwith data-use ... so you are basically paying "extra" , for a older game ... just to have an "online option" to play with others in limited MP form ... and I'm like ... this Arma2 is so old now, and even DayZ mods old ... they should be paying me to use their hosting service , lol. Especially if LAN play coul dbe a thing , and free to use in such limited fashion, ( on an as needed basis. If your group only plays Friday nights, WTF do you need all month of "online"? The ONLY thing a server provides , is databse SQL " persistance" when that applies really. ) Most of what I "miss" from "online play" though is the simple "extras " you get to do online ... like epoch base building ... It's something else to do , and work on ... work towards in between the usual find loot, cook food, get drinks and ammo/gear needs. Scripted AI missions only keep you occupied so much. eventually even those are basically just like the other aspects in my eyes ... Once you get a working vehicle , a tent or two set up, loot some mil bases, go to a few towns ... the only "upkeep" you have is basically food/drink needs, and those are normally EASILY solved issues. Somewhat "medical needs" if Zeds glitch smack you , or bite through walls ... maybe some vehicle repair after those times the engine just decides to do something off the wall while you are driving , or get shot by AI spawning nearby. But mostly ... once you are "set up" , there's no incentive to do anything else really. you can aviod AI, you can definitely aviod "zombies" . You don't even have other players stealing your stuff, robbing you blind, or nabbing your vehicles so you must go face danger to replenish it all, nor anyone destroying your camp/base ... so after about 5 hours of play , you've basically reached your "end game". Might as well, start over from scratch. So having "more to do" is something I want at least, and base building usually occupies alot of time and effort to do at least. It's not hard, just gives ya something to do, between loots, mission runs, and gives self-imposed incentive to keep going ... make that addition. Stock up this stash, or that ... ect. Placing tent and filling it up ... isn't really the same, nor is it as satisfying in my opinion. ----------------------------------------------- All that said though, I have came to desire/expect more out of Arma 2 as a whole, even beyond DayZ, or DaiZy , Sp or MP ... I think ... folks lacked vision , or got "lost" in the DayZ and "life server mods" , to "influenced" by youtuber content , things that could be done even in Arma2 , were either left unfinished/abandoned ... or simply not done by community. It's almost like ... players/devs "couldn't see the forrest, because the trees were in the way" type of thing. I found THIS forum, years back and I knew NOTHING about scripting, mission making, anything ... Now I know more ... but not nearly enough, or know enough to do much completely from scratch. I also found it, because I was actively searching for DayZ SP, because I couldn't play online for a few years. ( I lived on a camp, that lacked internet at all. ) Now I'm back home, and my computer and Internet ISP SUX ... I'm still plugging away at Arma2, and DaiZY SP stuff posted here. I am FRUSTRATINGLY plugging along, trying to "self teach" myself to do all things I want to do or have ( if possible) , on an older game, no longer really "supported" , with google only bringing up some content ( so much is lost due to no working links, web sites taken down , ect ... ), or reading/searching old forum post, that usually dead-ended instead of explaining how to do something you needed anyways. Or , something that worked script wise in "version-Old, got changed and no longer works in updated versions.") Why? Well ... I'd kind of like to push the envelope , and have things others can't or will not provide for the game I play anymore. I want something enjoyable for me at least, and if others like it too, even more so "better" ... but not necessary. Like Kodabear said in the ravage Mod thread, he's not got the time or desire to do anything Arma2 anymore. He's moved on, advanced ... and can't or doesn't want to "backtrack" , can't blame him for that. Why should he, or others? Things take time ... they do not get paid for it, and gotta make ends too. It' s understandable ... So, who does that leave ? ... myself. MAYBE a HANDFUL of others at best left around, still plugging away at A2. And then, out of that handful, we all have different needs/wants/desires ... and visions to fufill. so, thats why on my end. If nothing else, not only has DaiZy forums/mods/missions gave me a way to play outside default Arma2 OA , with some working "survival+extras" aspects ... missions and mods presented have given ideas, and sometimes learning tools on how to do things, once I crack them open and look to see how they were done by others. I have played through almost every english posted DaiZy mod/Mission on here now. I've skipped the non-working ones , or those not in english ... so far. But, I've played most of them. At least enough time in each, to see what I liked, and which parts I didn't ... still, always inspired just a bit more than before. |
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Origins lite???
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Revising my statement , after more years of not playing online ....
I think DayZ mods greatest "downfall" was it became a PvP fest, a glorified "king of the hill", an induced Battle Royale in online multi-player. No matter the mod ... or if vanilla ... you only had two options open: 1- PvE ... this allowed for more Co-OP , but at the same time more "special strict rules" to keep it PVE only, watered down any dynamic play. 2-or the PvP servers ... taking it from a survival simulator, to an ALWAYS combat simulator. I couldn't ever quite understand people's motives ... if all they wanted to do was death-match other players, why didn't they just play death-match missions? Some bandits/combat PvP was alright ... but stepping into any dayZ epoch or overpoch server, specifically meant , thats all you had to look forward to was basically a continuous stream of death-match PvP play. There wasn't any real reason or logic to any of it. Players just killed for fun. Or for reasons like, to get thier bandit skin or rank. They'd do things like kill defenseless fresh spawns , camping thier bodies to kill more freshies. They'd do things like, hit you with a car while you were in a safe-zone so it "arma-bumped" you out and they could kill you. They'd do things like, place satchel charges, or explosives ... or use a exploit to blow up people, knowing the safezone didn't protect from ALL damage types. They'd hang around traders, to rob your backpack, or take your vehicle as it spawned in ... I remember one instance on Jay's Overpoch ... I kept to myself mostly, I never banditized anyone, nor murdered for no actual reason ( if you shot at me and didn't kill me though, I'd hunt you down and end you! ) ... one time I was "starting over" and made enough score and gol dto go buy a vodnik. and unarmed vodnik ... I like the Vodnik , it's mostly armored , holds a bunch of stuff, and also travels across water ... I had planned on driving my Vodnik to Skalinski Island , and setting up my base there. I was in a safezone at the NE Airfield "trader" ... some random guy ( whom did not speak english no less) , already in a bandit-ghillie ( took me 2 months to earn my hero ghillie ), whom just started that day ...sat on top of the ATC wasting his AKM ammo shooting at me. When that didn't work, he climbed down as I ignored him being "safe" ... he ran up and tried shooting the vodnik tires out ... ( the vehicle was locked, an din a safe zone also "protected".) When that didn't work, he went all over it trying to get in ... Finally I was like, " Dude, this is a safezone. You can't do anything here , and just trying means you are looking for an exploit. Go find someone else to pester. " He just spammed the chat with " You stupid. You dumb." over and over ... , clearly he didn't understand a word I said, nor cared ... and I wondered why people like that played online with others, if all they want to do is try thier hardest to be a pain in the ass. Another instance, later that evening ( mod/mission was updated for more content, so after server restart , it was late coming back on. ) I can't recall where I was, I think I was at my old base, collecting my safe and some gear to transport over to the island. anyways ... there was a guy that played sometimes, when the population was low. Nice guy , asked a few questions occasionally .... when I first "met him" in game, I almost killed him thinking he was an AI from a mission ... Anyways, he played when server players were low, because he wasn't very good at shooting others. He mostly just like, trying to build his base, and he normally did the "weed mission" ( which most of us ignored for higher paying missions ) , I kept seeing him die over and over, like quickly ... I asked him if he was getting ate by zombies, as only 4 of us were on. Or if he was suicide ... , he tol dme no, that the other two guys were camping the coast and shooting from a helicopter , and he couldn't get to his body for a weapon to fight back. So, I stashed my stuff, grabbed my silenced H&K 417 ( One-hit , you unconscious or killed sniper weapon.) and I ran south , eventually spotting the chopper hovering in one place, near where the decent guy said it'd be roughly. I catch my breath, range the chopper , and had a clear shot right on the door gunner. I shoot, and I see the blood-splat off his head. He didn't fall ... did not go unconscious. I thought ... maybe desync , so shot him 3 more times. Same thing ... I shot at the pilot , two head shots ... no fall out, no unconscious body ... So I reloaded, and shot 20 rounds into the helicopter engine ... THAT got em to try desperately to get away and move finally. They were CHEATING , using a god mode , but thier chopper was vulnerable. And I was like ... WTF would ANYONE cheat just to kill one bambi over and over on the coast. The next day, Jay ( the main guy and admin ) and I tested out ... he was giving benifit o fthe doubt, that I missed the guys, and desync showed me blood splats. I told him, wasn't any way I missed more than once even if that was the case, and it should have been a one-shot , they go down no matter what. I sat 1100 M away and shot Jay in the chest to prove my point. One hit, he went unconcious. Bled out before waking up. So, yep ... not only were those guys playing just to be pains in the ass, they were cheating on top of it all. I also got tired of constantly working my butt off, to collect supplies, and build bases ... only to over-night some clan build right by my base. I literally went out in the ocean off the coast, and build a small base out in the water. Next day I log in ... and someone built a huge base as close to my base, as the plot pole would allow it. Out in the fricken ocean ... why? By what purpose , do you think that served them at all? Then, I kinda got tired of the "rinse and repeat" style of play ... dayZ normally doesn't have any real "end game" to it. It's all gear up, build a base , get more gear, get vehicles ... and then what's left? You have everything you need or want ... not even a good reason to go PvP, cause you don't need anything anymore. You've got so much crap collected and stored up ... , you could die a thousand times, and still be alright gear and supplies wise. So I left ... unfortunately ... my ISP provider started limiting bandwidth , and now I can't play online with-out choppy play or desync so bad ... I can play low population LAN just fine, but anything over open broad-band seems to just have too much latency , so ... now I'm pretty much stuck in SP on arma2. I don't get Arma3 , cause my internet wouldn't let me play it online either. Not to mention, I'd need an actual gaming computer then too. |
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