Warfare for daizy

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Warfare for daizy

Hi everyone! First of all I would like to thank you all for the spectacular releases you've made! Second, I have a question.... It is possible to implement warfare scripts into dayz? I think it would be cool if could build HQ, static defences and so on with blueprints and scavenged loot!
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Re: Warfare for daizy

this does sound great make it like a war game mission that arma has like CTI but it would be with zombies and we def need a real building script and melee system wish someone would buy rights to the dayz and update the engine we have for arma2 and give everyone what we all want a true zombie survival game.
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Re: Warfare for daizy

In reply to this post by epsylon2004
wish someone would buy [url=http://www.certkiller.com/ ]Certkiller 642-732[/url]
 rights to the dayz and update the engine we have for arma2 and give everyone what we all want a true zombie survival game.