RELEASE: Male Skin Bug Fix

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RELEASE: Male Skin Bug Fix

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Here is a quick fix for the annoying male Pilot skin bug that plagued the current version of DaiyZ:

Download and replace your "dayz_code.pbo" in your addons sub folder.

I removed the previous versions and decided to consolidate all the code fixes and updates into ONE file that has the default number of Zombie Spawns based on the majority of feedback. If enough players want one with reduced Zombie spawns to help with performance I can upload one at a later time.

Happy Zed Hunting, and May the Spawns Be in Your Favor!
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Re: RELEASE: Male Skin Bug Fix

Nice work! I'm so excited about this! Also to let you know, you keep posting your mediafire link wrong. It's
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Re: RELEASE: Male Skin Bug Fix

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oh a new update! =D will test this now! report later thanks DayZ_SP!

update: well after testing all the bugs are gone  and its really nice to play this version! testing on 42c its greath having survivors and bandits engage  infecteds til the end.  Spawn in balota so went to balota airfield and found ak cobra , no bandits but a lot of paranoid xD  went to the town near  to the north of the airfield but shooting my ak wont alert infecteds even 25 meters near me jum.... also i still having the no-dead animation issue but i think this is just me at the moment no body else report this....i try deleting my saves files but wont work.... after that went to cherno  and there found the bandits that showme the animation issue and also  a dog appear from no where! xD he wont folow my orders but just pass me trhough xD to many heli chrashes? 7 on cherno xd anso no big loot on 3 of them, just tin cans and some ammo fro varius weapons.

But runs rally nice and still fun to play i believe it is a improvement  so good works and thanks for sharing!