Gonna try this OMONS script myself. I'm not a "coder" by any means so I can't help you with any issues like that. But maybe (act on) do hold activities on standby. Like I will do (silly) but, I will add ambivalent sounds in my mods that accept Editor adjustments. Like radios, music, sirens and alarms. Not sure if that does any game play impact (AI responding), on alarms etc. But it sure can give you the scare hiccups.
I will try this in my lesser mods (SPP - Clafghan, Podagorsk). Only Editor adjustments works in this mod. But try (act on Blufor/Opfor/Independent
only) maybe that makes it lesser on going all the time. Things activates only by your side entering the zone. That way you should get your performance back.
Just a thought.

Good luck.
Maybe you can add Independent as friendly to only Blufor or Opfor. Then only add
you as Blufor or Opfor on only player interaction. You can still recruit and lead (friendly) Independent, right?
Such a huge mission you got there by the way.

And yes. I know this respond nearly is a year to old. But what the heck.