I apologize if this is the wrong forum, but the Releases forum is the most active and has the most viewers. If the mods want to move this that's cool with me.
With that said... I've been reading up on bugs on all the forums and there are some common ones that AboveDayZ and Fedus_87 should be able to easily fix in future releases depending on how much (or not) Rocket alters the core code as the Mod progresses. The number one bug is Zombies and Loot don't spawn after the player spawns. This is due to a number of factors: A) The spawn radius for the random coastal player spawns is 500 meters. Reducing this should place the player closer to where they should actually be... On the beach... As well keeping them outside the loot and Zombie spawn radius around most buildings. NOTE: If you adjust the player spawn radius, make sure to MOVE the spawn markers in-land toward the coast because a lot of them are set over the water and with the lower the spawn radius, the greater chance players will spawn IN the water. B) Players often spawn too close to buildings that generate Zombies and loot. The smallest building that can generate Zombies & loot is a dog house, and all buildings have a spawn radius of 120 meters for loot and Zombies to spawn. The minimum spawn radius is 30 meters to prevent players form just camping outside buildings waiting for loot. So, anywhere between 120 and 30 is the "sweet spot" for loot and Zombies to spawn. These radiui can be adjusted in one of the zombie scripts in the "dayz_code" (I can't remember which one). C) The overall spawn radius is set to 1000 meters and a limit of 40 zombies per client. I advise developers to increase the spawn radius to anything above 1000 e.g. 1500, and anything above 40 Zombies per client see if this improves the stability of Zombies appearing in the game. It shouldn't effect performance unless players are running anciet hardware, but that is why this needs experimentation and has no definitive number. D) Since this is a Client Side mod, there is no tick rate in Single Player that determines how fast the code is processed. It is processed as fast as your hardware can compute it since it doesn't have to verify things with the server like it does in MP. So, one big reason things don't spawn is you may be running the game at 60 FPS (Frames Per Second), which is TOO fast for the game to function, ironically, and why some functions don't work, or take a while to work such as Zombies and loot spawning. The only solution for adjusting tick rate is to trick the game into thinking it is running at 30 FPS which is standard for MP games. You can do this with third-party GPU programs like MSI-Afterburner and others where you can manually set your framerate to whatever your monitor can handle in relation to its refresh rate. This might not seem like an optimal solution since 30 FPS appears "jerky" if you are used to 60, 100 and 200 FPS on most games, but once you get used to it, it actually becomes the preferred frame/tick rate because then the game play experience is butter smooth -- remember it is not the maxium frames you can render, but the LOW END number that determines smoothness -- And a side benefit is 30 FPS doesn't tax modern video cards at all. Remember, 23.97 and 29.97 are standard frame rates for full motion video (movies and games) on TV, so running at 30 FPS should feel no different. I'll add more to this thread if the developers are interested, but for right now this is probably enough considering the amount of info. presented ![]() |
Thank you, seems like you put alot of time and effort into this post.
![]() I never had problems with the loot on any map (apart from the fact that it is singleplayer, and sometimes zombies and loot will take a while to spawn in alltogether). I will deffo look into moving the spawns, though. For more than one reason. And have them not trigger bandits too. I can't see why the zombies/loot would have to be improved, though. Zombies spawn in just like MP for me, just as many, just the same places and all that. And when I leave Cherno (for instance) they will despawn, and allow me to spawn more zombies wherever I'm going. If I'm missing something, please fill me in. And again, thanks for taking the time. I will do what I can to fix gamebreaking bugs. ![]() |
I encountered no Zombie's spawning a couple of times, but more often than not, no loot spawning after I spawned in. I would have to go to another town, or city rather than the one I spawned at/near. This has everything to do with the maximum spawn radius as well as the individual building spawn radius as well.
It will be different for everybody. The big thing DayZ relies on is chance and randomization to make sure the experience is varied enough each time you play... And to keep people playing and coming back for more. This applies to MP and SP. It's not a new concept by any means, but plays a greater role than many gamers think. Did you know that whether or not a Zombie spots you is determined more by random chance than actual line of sight? I found this in the code. Line of sight is a factor, but it's whether or not the Zombe might spot you crawling on the ground, crouching, etc. that is determined by CHANCE. Using randomized states and conditions is great for providing varied game play, but it is also prone to NOT work as intended because the algorythms and conditional scripts aren't as tightly controlled in the traditional sense. Thus, the randomization includes instances where things might not work at all, work half way, or work in unexpected, unintended ways. |
Oh, I see what you mean now. I've been planning to mess more with the code (go way deeper and see what can be done). I will look at that. I had no clue about that the zombies find you by chance. >_> I had no clue what so ever. That explains some of the times I've been detected. :D About the zombie/loot spawn. I've had zombies and loot get delayed, but they've popped up eventually. However, this has happened online too for me. (Likely because of my ping, or the server's ping). Thanks for the reply and all the info! ![]() |
Did you know that whether or not a Zombie spots you is determined more by random chance than actual line of sight?
ghost rider
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
this is kinda of embarrassing but i'm trying to get into the coding and all but i dont even know how to get zombies spawn, vehicles to spawn with a certain chance ( 16% chance for example) bandits to spawn and all of that, i want to try and convert the dayz mod fusion to daizy but i cant really figure it out xD also above can i possibly use the coding you put into vehicles? e.t.c.
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