I keep trying to setup the dayz 2017 ultimate, and it keeps giving the same error
For one, it'll give an error (listed below) but it wont spawn my character, no selection screen....And it shows the broken bone symbol to the right along with the rest.... it shows a town but again no spawning, or any ability it's actually really getting annoying, i've tried so many things, i solved a error i got about tanks by removing the space in the vehicle mod (it wants me to install some vehicle mod and rp item mod...) anyways, here's the error that's pissing me off....
missions\--Cur-Sp.chernarus/mission/groups/item2/vehicles/item0.vehicle class beard_DZ no longer exists
the -'s are actually _'s but if i put 2 it'll make a bigger one >_>
that appears for every time i load a 2017 ultimate.....idk what to do, i've tried ALL THINGS I CAN THINK OF!
The version im trying to get working:
http://kodabar-dayz-daizy-single-player-forum.1084782.n5.nabble.com/DayZ-2017-SP-new-m4-amp-m16-models-new-bandit-skins-for-ai-td1583.htmlThe bottom mission is what im trying, but i tried all versions from that thread...EVERY VERSION GIVES THE SAME ERROR, Screen, and broken bone symbols and none will spawn me in! sorry if im angry, it's just starting to piss me off >_> I can post screens of the error, but plz...plz...HElp me!!!