Panthera 1.8

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Panthera 1.8

So I play on a cracked version of OA. Don't judge me to harshly for this, I fully intend to buy when my current living conditions can allow me to start buying games again. Please note I obviously do not intend to even try playing DayZ with this cracked version if it's possible I don't want to know how, it's just unfair.

As such I intend to play SP until my situation gets better.

Until then, DayZCommander cannot see/find my version of OA (yet Play WithSIX can) I've been trying to find the panthera 1.8 files so that I can play the DaiZy SP mission Above did. This seems to be quite impossible to find.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Panthera 1.8

Mike wrote
So I play on a cracked version of OA. Don't judge me to harshly for this, I fully intend to buy when my current living conditions can allow me to start buying games again. Please note I obviously do not intend to even try playing DayZ with this cracked version if it's possible I don't want to know how, it's just unfair.

As such I intend to play SP until my situation gets better.

Until then, DayZCommander cannot see/find my version of OA (yet Play WithSIX can) I've been trying to find the panthera 1.8 files so that I can play the DaiZy SP mission Above did. This seems to be quite impossible to find.

Any suggestions?

Well, since the game is cracked. I'm not really sure where the ArmA 2 / ArmA 2 OA main directories are, but if you know them, then goto DayZCommander > Settings (top right corner). From there you should see a category 'Game Directories'. At that, enable the gray boxes which say 'Override'. And then manually direct to the game main folder, both. ArmA 2 & ArmaA 2 OA Directories. After that's done, the maps/modpacks you download from DayZCommander, will pop up in the ArmA 2 OA Directory , that you set to the DayZCommander. And from there you can already follow the steps provided in the mission release topics.
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Re: Panthera 1.8

In reply to this post by Mike
Play With Six (ugh, what a terrible name) stores the files it downloads in an odd place. Everything else stores them in folders off the main Operation Arrowhead program folder, but Six decides to store them in My Documents\ArmA 2 for some reason.

So if Six can see the files, but not DayZ Commander, it's because they're in that My Documents/ArmA 2 folder. Have a look there.
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Re: Panthera 1.8

Imo Six isnt very user friendly, I believe it is easier to do the installing and downloading rather manually then with that