Namalsk map

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Namalsk map

hey guys i was just wondering if you's could have Namalsk map work on DAIZY v0.42e version that would be sweet
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Re: Namalsk map

Like I said in another thread, it will NOT WORK.

Loot/Zombies only spawn in buildings/around buildings. These buildings HAVE TO BE THE VANILLA ARMA 2 BUILDINGS.

Namalsk has custom buildings, thus no zombies or loot would exist. Lingor has custom buildings but is infact a completely different version of DayZ with it's own coding etc.

Namalsk has none.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Namalsk map

damn! well thanks for the info bro
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Re: Namalsk map

In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Well, it actually WOULD. If you use Sixplay launcher you will see, among other mods, DAYZ lingor, urals, even Namalsk. I have it installed and for it to work, all needed was the Singleplayer scenario. Namalsk has its own code, and its avaliable to download
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Re: Namalsk map

This post was updated on .
I agree with Viper. All maps I've used have been working flawlessly, apart from some small stuff like AI players beeing bugged or stuff like that. But that's besides the point. All loots in all buildings worked.
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Re: Namalsk map

In reply to this post by Viper8797
Viper8797 wrote
Well, it actually WOULD. If you use Sixplay launcher you will see, among other mods, DAYZ lingor, urals, even Namalsk. I have it installed and for it to work, all needed was the Singleplayer scenario. Namalsk has its own code, and its avaliable to download
That's the beauty of the Mod system in ArmA 2.

You can deploy mods across various maps and even other mods... Hence, THIS mod (DaiyZ)... Because the game's engine is built on a modular inheritance hierarchy.

You can edit either the Mod (client/server code), the mission (map), or both.

This is how custom maps for ArmA 2 have DayZ deployed onto them with minimal effort. Meaning, the functions Rocket put into the original DayZ client/server mod are universal enough they can be modified to accommodate any new objects e.g. buildings, structures, MAPS, etc. the community comes up with. Most of the DayZ code is just custom ArmA 2 scripts that have been available to the public for years.

In fact, going one step further, editing the maps, objects, skins, etc. IN REAL TIME is even easier if you run a dedicated server because of how servers work giving admins access to the Loot Spawn tables (for example) and other things you have to hunt down in the core code if you want to change it...
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Re: Namalsk map

So, i say: Forward with it! Namalsk sounds like a awesome map to play (lingor is also cool), lots of people say it looks like chernobyl, it feels like It was made for Day-Z (i hope almost all buildings are enterable, like in Lingor Island)

Now, we wait till the coders decide to do a scenario of that map. Can someone recommend other maps that work with Daizy?

Also, how do you reply to a tread without replying to someone? im kinda new to this forum
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Re: Namalsk map

It is possible. No doubt. And it's by far the best map I've ever heard of, or seen. It's just amazing. Beeing able to play DaiZy Namalsk would be fucking nuts! :D
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Re: Namalsk map

thanks for all the reply guys it really helps to see what can be done with daizy thanks
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Re: Namalsk map

In reply to this post by yourampage
FYI for anyone who is interested, I customized my own version of Namalsk and used some high def ambient sounds to replace the annoying as hell ambient noises that are used to simulate those things in STALKER.
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Re: Namalsk map

I do not understand, what "annoying" sounds?
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Namalsk map

Niceonegunit wrote
I do not understand, what "annoying" sounds?
I agree, I think the original sounds in the DayZ Namalsk are superb for the mod. Especially the little girl. (I know that sounds wrong).