Hi malau, unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
I wish it did.
To start with, you need the loot to spawn, and that is only one thing that is map bounded.
There is a couple other things as well to take care of.
What is possible, as i said before, is take an existing Daizy (DayZ SP) and add vehicles, weapons etc.
Then spawn these in-game with Loki or some other tool.
You could even go into the editor and put them in the locations you want.
Sort of like making "spawn points" for them.
And it's all pretty easy and straightforward to do.
But I'm afraid that just taking a Daizy version and put that on any map is not possible.
Wow, if that could be, I would finally have a Daizy CLAfghan hahahaha......
Daizy Epoch CLafghan........, I'll keep dreaming....

See you later...