Hello everyone,
First of all:I have a really very bad computer

(no money) and until I buy another need every fps.
I modified Arma2.cfg/Arma2OA.cfg/Arma2OA.player.cfg - Nvidia Graphical settings - mildly O.C. Cpu - defragment hard drive - game options in very low - etc.
I'm playing DaiZy 2018 by Haleks (no optional mods)
The problem:
My current saved game is 26mb (about 35 hours of game time) my fps have dropped after the first night. but, If I load an earlier or first saved games 15mb my fps are higher.
The questions are:A) Anyone know why this happens with the saved game?, depends on the items that you collect?, the sites you're visiting?, is normal that this happens when you advance in the game?
B) If there is no solution, you know which is the least demanding DaiZy mod. I love 2018 but it has become unplayable with my PC
thanks for any advice