Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

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Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

Hey guys, just thought I'd share something.

I DePBO'd the mission file and started poking around. When I noticed something.
Inside the AI folder, I saw an AI file for a 'Jason'. It was named "!jason_ai"

It seems to be set to spawn at some marker, perhaps the green ones or maybe invisible ones.

Has anyone encountered him or see anything suspicious?
This is in 0.38b Chernarus.

I personally haven't encountered him anywhere, though some weird shit did happen at Green Mountain.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

Mr. 'funny'
What happened at Green Mountain?
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
I also stumbled across a !jasonvoorhees_loadout.sqf file.

I opened it and saw that he was given a Hatchet on spawn.
For you technical wizards like me, here is the code:

player addMagazine "Hatchet_swing";
player addWeapon "MeleeHatchet";
"MeleeHatchet" call dayz_meleeMagazineCheck;

Don't know about you, but I'm freaked out. Is Jason Voorhees actually in .38b?!?!
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

In reply to this post by Mr. 'funny'
I don't really think it was anything, I went up there and it got pretty dark suddenly. Probably just a bug as I haven't been able to repeat it.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
Yay, another update!

I poked around and found that he IS set to spawn but currently uses a bandit skin.

I'm gonna change it to something distinct and try to find him.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

I noticed Jason too. A few unique NPCs like that in the game would be awesome IMO. I'd love to go on a horror night mission to Green Mountain knowing that he's there somewhere...
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

Ha ha, yeah.

I'm not sure if it's random or not. The bandit groups for example are set to spawn in towns using parameters.

Such as,
["AI_spawn", "TOWNNAMEHERE", more code, etc.]

But he uses a different one, just like the snipers.
Maybe he spawns near a certain town? or all towns?
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

Mr. 'funny'
Anyone find him yet? I'm going to green mountain and camping their. Still trying to unravel this radio mystery.
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

In reply to this post by Niceonegunit
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Re: Jason Voorhees in .38b?!?

steve silent
holy crap... he's in game.. where is he.