G36k red dot sight

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G36k red dot sight

Salam everybody, do anyone know how to use the red dot sight along side the main scope attached to the G36K ? It's a really nice shooter ! I would stick to it if it wasn't because that issue, i know it had something to do with the ammo bug that's why B.I removed it,  do you guys know a mod or an addon that restore that thing ??

Thanks for any kind of replay,.
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Re: G36k red dot sight

Ooh, good question. Yes, there is a way to do what you would like.

The COWarMod lets you modify weapons and adds a lot of different versions. Here's the page for it:

I'd recommend using it with Lost Key in order to spawn in weapon attachments
Lost Key > Work > Weapon systems > Items
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Re: G36k red dot sight

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Re: G36k red dot sight

Thank you both for amswering, i already have the cowar mod so i'll give it another go !  :-) thanks.
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Re: G36k red dot sight

Perfect ! i can use both sights now ! the long range scope and the red dot one ! but i used another way to fix it !

G36 red dot sight switch

the glich is when you switch between sights you switch the mags too XD
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Re: G36k red dot sight

Ah, good solution! Thanks for posting that link.