What I suppose I would like to see implemented if possible:
More bandits please as they can take a while to show up.
Bandits fighting with Zombies, as they should do, It seems they get ignored?
Day/Night cycle, this would so add to the tension when hunting, looting, searching, roaming.
The ability to use the Hunting Knife as a weapon if possible.
The ability to use the Fire Axe as a weapon without having to drop your gun first.
Chance for Zombies to spawn in the wilderness apart from the citied areas/deer stands, just tone them down to maybe the odd one that free roams.
I suppose this one wont happen, more buildings to explore if possible? Offten you can go by whole streets and nothing to loot/explore sometimes.
Ability to turn off the bandit radius location on the map, as sometimes it can obscure your view.
Other Survivor AI units, so the map does not feel quite so empty.
I do not really need cheats, so not sure what to say about the cheat menu...
Looking forward to updates!