Extra icons on the UI?!?!?!

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Extra icons on the UI?!?!?!

I can't remember wich post it went on in. But there was discussion about the smaller icons of water/food. Now many refered to this as a bug. Me personally, I thought the small icons would indicate your water need, before you start bleeding.

HOWEVER, what this really is, is a small UI for your dog. We all know dogs has been spoken about every now and often. So that's why it's there. That's why not every server got this UI. Is there dogs on every server that got this UI? I got no clue. But I know for a fact that there are servers with dogs.
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Re: Extra icons on the UI?!?!?!

Damn you can have a dog?! Is it possible in SP?
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Re: Extra icons on the UI?!?!?!

In reply to this post by Above
haha nice find man.

and yes there are scripts for dogs i may actually add it back in at some point.

here is a OLD screenshot you can see my dog here on the left side sorry for crappy quaility this was on my old crappy video card

here is another
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Re: Extra icons on the UI?!?!?!

Yeah, I've thought about that too tbh. The spawns would go nuts tho (aswell as vehicles) xD

Never bothered really.