Editing Arma - Dayz - Daizy

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Editing Arma - Dayz - Daizy


Why when i want to edit mission Daizy/somemission using dayz engine. i cant see unit icon. I mean all unit,Object,module,etc. is invisible. i just see Trigger. Can you help me?

*Help me to editing mission for Future Daizy Arma 2.

Gmail : @rizqipalembang@gmail.com

Thanks Before.

Kindest Regards,
Rizqi Syahru Ramadlan.
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Re: Editing Arma - Dayz - Daizy

Unfortunately , I had the same issue ...

 All the "stuff" in the Daizy mods is basically worked and reworked by the scripts and codes of the mods used.  

 I personally never got any to "work" on editing, direct from DaiZy mods used.  

some of the guys here, can do it ( If they look, and share) , but I had asked several times before " How to do this" , never got any answer I could use.