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Hi all,
You may have noticed a few single-player mods in the Unofficial DaiZy Releases Forum from Russian modding teams, their site here and the forums here and been a little put off by the language barrier if, like myself, English is the only language you comprehend. Thanks to a comment by a forum member here I discovered that the browser Chrome can translate a webpage so armed with this info, I dived in. I downloaded these mods, got them running and in the following post/s I show how you can too. Before we start you'll need to have Chrome installed, find it here. You'll also need an archive management tool, I use Winrar and 7zip. You'll also need Arma 2 OA installed. You don't want any version below 1.62 and Beta patch 103718. As with all mods, I suggest you create a new folder (I used DayZ_SP) and copy your Arma2 install over to that. The first mod we'll look at is called DayZ Last Days |
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DayZ Last Days
I'm starting with the big one here, called Dayz Last Days. It's set on the Napf map and is a combination of parts of DayZ, DayZ Epoch, Origins rolled into one. It is a very surviour based mod but I won't go into too much detail but with the Chrome browser translating you can read for yourself what's included. [UPDATED 30/3/16] See bottom of this post for new download information. You'll find the information and the download links here. Towards the bottom of the page you'll find the following; ![]() Create a folder on your hard drive called Last Days (or whatever you prefer) and download the items highlighted with the red boxes to that folder. The mod itself is huge, 11Gb, and comes through a file hosting company called Yandisk. You can download as a free user (my speed seemed capped to 300Kb/s) but I did it using JDownloader overnight. You will also need another mod called Advanced Combat Enviroment 2 which you can find here. When you have all the files, your folder should look like this; ![]() Now, using Winrar, open the file called @DayZLastDays.part01.rar - you'll see a folder called @DayzLastDays - extract this to your Arma2 folder (mine is DayZ_SP). Do the same for @ACEX_SM_v1. and Once you've done this, take the file dayzcode.pbo - this is the update patch 1.0 - and drop it in the @DayZLastDays/addon folder overwriting the original dayzcode.pbo. Next, select the file called - this is the mission file but it's not in the .PBO format you might recognize. Open this file and you'll see a folder called DayZLastDays.Napf - extract this folder into your Arma2/mission folder. When you've finished it will look like this; ![]() Next, open the file - this contains a batch file you can use to start the game - but I suggest just editing the Beta patch shortcut. You need to modify the command-line adding -mod=@DayZLastDays;@acex_sm; If you used my install folder naming it will look like this: D:\DayZ_SP\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@DayZLastDays;@acex_sm; ![]() Make sure your "target" and "Start in" are set correctly for your install! That's it. Double click the batch file! You'll go through the usual screens, select single-player then scenarios, selecting the DayZ Last Days Napf mission. You will choose you character sex and then get to choose where your spawn point - for Chernarus - just select anyone (you'll learn roughly where they are on Napf). When you spawn in you'll be greeted by this; ![]() This is very clever - it allows you to craft the experience you're about to have and from the top, left to right; -Time and how much moon light at night -How many AI and the percentage of friendly / bandits (Do not rely on their clothing type as to friendly status! There seem to be 3 factions, Blufor, Redfor and Independants.) -What the AI are armed with? (Normal or rare gear) -How much loot spawns. 100% is the normal rate and you can make it more or less. -How often will a building spawn loot? Once or repeatedly (following the usual Dayz loot spawn rules) -Deleting; I think this might be a clean-up script - I left it alone. -How many zombies? -Normal zombies OR x2 at night? -Who is going to attack you? Zombies / AI or both? -Fast zombies - 100% i think means all zombies run - 0% mean none run - beware, 3 hits from a Zed and you can be dead - choose wisely! -Standard Napf map or one with extras? -Your starting character - each has a different load out. -Stamina - relates to how tired you get based on how long you run and how much weight you are carrying. You will pass out when too tired. -Last entry is how the game saves progress - Free Preservation means you can save whenever you want. When you hit "OK" the game will appear to freeze for a moment - it's setting everything up based on the options you chose. Things will return to sort of normal but be choppy for a few more moments - and then will settle down. Then your character will recieve their appropriate loadout gear. And that's it, you're on your own! A few comments on this mod; there are parts of this mod which are in (I believe) the Russian language; there are NPC communications and stray menu choices which I don't understand as yet. Personally I find this simply adds to the atmosphere of the experience of me washing up on the shore of some foreign land during a zombie apocalypse - it certainly doesn't detract from the core survivor experience for me. I've only been playing a couple of hours but I haven't experienced any issues but there is certainly a lot going on 'under the hood' so I'm not sure how it will run for you (i7 4790K @4.5GHz). There is a configuration file in the YourGameFolder/userconfig/dayzLTOD folder called GameOptions.hpp - using Notepad++ you can turn on/off various game features. The default map for this mod is Napf but other maps can be downloaded from the forums here. You will need to register on the forums to be able to download these files. [Updated 30/3/16] There's a new download available for this mod. The above download is free to all but this new one (which is much better) is only available to registered users on the forums. It's not a big hassle to do, use the translate feature of Chrome as I did and it's no problem. Once registered, head over to the main Last Days thread here. When you are logged in the links to the 1.1 Complete Version will be active. Installation looks even simpler, simply drop everything into your Arma2 folder. |
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Single Player DayZ Epoch
Since there's quite a bit of interest in SP Epoch I thought I'd have a look at this. There's also another thread here on the forums here with a lot of useful information from other forum members so be sure to check it out if you haven't already. To start, head over to the forums, specifically the forum post here. Untranslated the page will look like this; ![]() I say untranslated because if you look at the translated version of the page you won't see the download links which are next to the 4 yellow balls/arrows. Atomic Bee has also provided the direct links on page two of the thread here to make things easier. Download all the files to a folder of your choice. Create a new folder called DayZ_SP_Epoch (or whatever you like) and copy over your Arma2 install. I have to be honest here and say I was a bit baffled by the files I downloaded and the instructions I had read didn't make a great deal of sense to me - so I made it up myself with the focus being a single player game. I suspect my confusion is related to the both SP and LAN setup available in the files. Here's what I did: I took the file named Готовая сборка DayZ_Epoch. and opened it with WinRar - you'll see a folder called Готовая сборка DayZ_Epoch. - double click on it and then you'll see four folders - select all four and extract them to DayZ_SP_Epoch. When you're done it should look like this; ![]() Next, edit your Beta short cut (as I have in the above picture) with; -mod=@DayZ_Epoch.Chernarus; My complete line reads; D:\DayZ_SP_Epoch\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash And don't forget to edit the "Target" folder entry with the install folder name (DayZ_SP_Epoch for me) That's it, start the game, single-player, scenarios and select the DayZ_Epoch.Chernarus mission. You'll be greeted by an in-game menu to define the parameters on the game, I have mostly translated for you; ![]() I haven't done an exact translation but rather what is meant given the context and would appreciate feedback from anyone if there's any errors. And I'm really not sure about that Stamina one... ![]() It certainly is nice being on Chernarus in Epoch, it's just so easy. The game was working fine, Zeds and loot spawning fine. I didn't see any AI but with the default "30 bots" setting on a map as big as Chernarus I'm not surprised. This Mod does seem to be in Alpha/Beta so there may be problems but so far, so good! ![]() |
DayZSP The Halo III
Here's another mod from the guys at DayZSP-ru set on Lingor this time. The information link and downloads are on this page. Translated, you want to grab these 5 files; ![]() And the files will look like this; ![]() Again, create a folder, I used DayZ_SP_Halo and copy over your Arma2 install. Open each of the archive files - there's a folder inside each - extract that folder, dropping it into folder DayZ_SP_Halo. Once complete, modify your Beta shortcut so the end reads; -mod=@DayZHaloIIIlingor;@tpwcas Don't forget to modify the 'Target' folder name too! Usual story, double click the Beta shortcut to get started; the mission will be called POBEG52015.Lingor from memory. You'll be greeted by an in game menu, click ok when you're done. Game tip: When you spawn in, RUN! ![]() |
In reply to this post by Eric the Viking
Hey, GREAT mod. Two issues, however....
First, the complete download link is a virus installer. The rest of the links work fine. Second, there is no need to download all 7 rar files. Only the first one is needed. Along with the others mentioned. And I had an offer, I translated some of the language for the options menu so I could understand what they meant. I would love to finish out all the radio chatter and scroll menu, and post translated files, if I can get permission, but I need to know where all of the rest of the language files are in this great mess of script and PBOs. If you could manage to give me a list of the files so I can at least translate them for myself, it would be much appreciated! And if, by chance, you know who to talk to about getting that permission to post them, all the better! |
Hi Hadrian,
I had no issue with it and Avira Pro reported no issues either. I presume you're referring to DayZ Last Days? I don't know what you mean by "the first one". The 11Gb @DayZLastDays file is split into 7 parts. You need all of them to extract the complete archive. Each mod has the source links which includes the all the relevant details, including the author/s. You should contact them directly if you wish to release any translated files. |
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