DaiZy zombie survival tips

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DaiZy zombie survival tips

Hi all, my first post here :)

I'm playing ''DaiZy Chernarus FACTIONS 2.6.1 [07/03 UPDATED]'' without A.I. The thing is, I keep dying to zombies all the time :/ I know this game isn't supposed to be easy, but it does get annoying at times, especially when you've been crawling for 20 mins, only for a zombie from 100m away to magically spot you and aggro, bringing with him half the map worth of zombies. Once you are infected, its even worse, because zombies can hear your coughs, making you an easy target. You can also get infected from taking a blood bag, which really sucks.

Anyone care to share your zombie evasion tips?
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

If I were you I'd just crouch run through a city. That's what I do. As long as you don't run stupid paths zombies are rarely able to hit you. For the infected debuff I can't help you. Antibiotics are extremely rare. I found one the other day but wasn't able to stay alive long enough to use it.

At the moment though Im full packed heading to the NW airport and Im looking forward to killing some more bandits.
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

Thanks for reply Nanyana. I've got the hand of it a bit now, crouch running and going prone when I see a Zed, had just started the game and was still a bit of a bambi :p
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

I btw found that other survivors have quite a good chance of carrying antibiotics. (2 out of the 5 I shot) So either shoot them on site, or keep an eye on them so when they die (after offc you recruited them) you can loot their corps and have some extra protection.
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

Interesting, I did not know that XD. Thanks I'll keep an eye out for them.
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

I personally like playing at evening, when it is a dark but not too dark to see either. Its pretty much the perfect time to learn how to evade zombies. Or you might aswell try to get a gun from somewhere and go all Rambo on them suckers.
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

A Hobo Panda
In reply to this post by danielcaruanasmith
I've been playing DayZ for 5 months now, and DaiZy for 3 months. If you want my advice, here it is:

You know those zombies in DayZ/DaiZy? I don't. Do you notice them? Because I sure don't.

What I'm trying to say is you should start ignoring the zombies. Act like they aren't even there. That's how I play, and I don't get hit by zombies that often.

P.S. You don't have to shoot/kill EVERY single zombie you see. When I started playing, I would always run out of ammo right after picking up a gun. Why? Cause I shot every zombie I saw. Don't do that lol.
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

In reply to this post by Ray
I've just found that out a couple of days ago, yes my loot runs are usually limited to evenings as well as night sometimes, as zombies somehow magically can't see torch lights.

I also found that shooting some zombies makes your life easier, but I don't shoot all of them and I DON'T use rifles <<Lee Enfield>> on the suckers. Flares are also good at diverting zeds as they attract them away from you.

All that said, I've started to love doing an entire loot run through a town and not killing a single zed . . .you feel like some kind of ninja special ops XD.
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

danielcaruanasmith wrote
Flares are also good at diverting zeds as they attract them away from you.
For emergency situations, smoke grenades work even better!
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Re: DaiZy zombie survival tips

Ye true Haleks XD they go crazy for it :D