No Sir, that isn't the thing.
Bandits and survivor AI can firing everytime but if the player firing that is like ringing the dinner bell. I saw survivors and bandits firing at zeds and that didn't aggro the other zeds. If a bandit or survivor opens fire that should aggro the other zeds on them. The survivor & bandit AI isn't equal to the player. To remove the difference it is important to analyse the dayz_server.pbo .
That is a great problem of the SP mode. It doesn't make a difference for me if i have 12000 blood or 2000 blood i won't never see who is shooting at me. Okay with 12000 blood the world looks beautyful and i have at this time
a little chance to defend myself in Singleplayer with a TWS rifle(Loki Key Cheat). :)
What i percept during my online experience there is an aggro level to the survivors/bandits. It is called humanity and the aggrolevel depence on player on the position of the map/age of the player. The / thing wasn't disregarded by rocket. Or did DayZ ask you for your age?
Humanity will be an important variable for SP mode.