DAIZY ZEDS attacking bandits and survivors?

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DAIZY ZEDS attacking bandits and survivors?

hay guys i was just wondering if there is or will be a update where zeds dont just attack you, but bandits and survivors to because when a bandit is shooting me while standing infront of zeds they do nothing but walk like nothing is happening but when i shoot at the bandit shooting at me the zeds go crazy and try to kill me is there a way to change this or will it be in a future update
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Re: DAIZY ZEDS attacking bandits and survivors?

I think I read in one of these threads that someone was working on this. Could be mistaken, though. I agree, I think that's one more piece of the puzzle it would great to have in place to go some way to completing the SP experience.
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Re: DAIZY ZEDS attacking bandits and survivors?

In reply to this post by yourampage
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Re: DAIZY ZEDS attacking bandits and survivors?

No Sir, that isn't the thing.
Bandits and survivor AI can firing everytime but if the player firing that is like ringing the dinner bell.
I saw survivors and bandits firing at zeds and that didn't aggro the other zeds. If a bandit or survivor opens fire that should aggro the other zeds on them. The survivor & bandit AI isn't equal to the player. To remove the difference it is important to analyse the dayz_server.pbo .

That is a great problem of the SP mode. It doesn't make a difference for me if i have 12000 blood or 2000 blood i won't never see who is shooting at me. Okay with 12000 blood the world looks beautyful and i have at this time a little chance to defend myself in Singleplayer with a TWS rifle(Loki Key Cheat). :)

What i percept during my online experience there is an aggro level to the survivors/bandits. It is called humanity and the aggrolevel depence on player on the position of the map/age of the player. The / thing wasn't disregarded by rocket. Or did DayZ ask you for your age?

Humanity will be an important variable for SP mode.
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Re: DAIZY ZEDS attacking bandits and survivors?

This can very well be possible.

However, Zeds attacking bandits/survivors is impossible. Period.
There is no work around.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
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Re: DAIZY ZEDS attacking bandits and survivors?

Niceonegunit wrote
However, Zeds attacking bandits/survivors is impossible. Period.
There is no work around.

Unless anyone feels like re-writing the whole mod, lol.