Same Problems here it gives me that error, I click ok then go into the ediotor first and the Men Class is Wiped out from the selection menu leaving the others Air, Land, Sea etc. Whenever I try to preview as a unit from default Arma i Get the 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/USMC_pilot blah blah blah i get it with USMC RU etc. And when I try to preview as a vehicle unit that's added in from the mod I get Bad Vehicle Type nameofmod_nameofmoddedvehicle doesn't matter Air, Land, Sea etc. and as you guessed I cant select any modded Men(If there is any). Hope you can help me so that i can knock off some hours playing this god damn awesome mod For SP.

1: 5 Move To Tree 12'0'clock...we're in a fucking forest