Bigger spawn range for zombies and AI

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Bigger spawn range for zombies and AI

Is there a way to increase the range of spawning zombies and AI? I would like to have more of my map covered with zombies and AI. And I don't mean more zombies per square meter. I want to be able to sit in a tower and see zombies and AI as far as I can see.
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Re: Bigger spawn range for zombies and AI

Sort of. It's not that hard to do, but there isn't a setting for it. It involves extracting files from a PBO, editing a few values and recreating the PBO. It's a piece of piss once you've done it a couple of times.

I would suggest that you get in contact with whomever authored your favourite DaiZy variant and asking them if they can tell you where they set the values for the zombie spawning. Just send them a PM via the forum and they'll probably be only too happy to help.
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Re: Bigger spawn range for zombies and AI

In reply to this post by Nanyana
@Nanyana: I'd like the same thing, did you get the answer ?
