Hi all :)
I am currently working on a version of Daizy Factions with different vehicles and I have a little request.
I want to add a version of the V3S covered in Chernarus/ Guerilla colours. I tried to retexture this myself but for some reason I can not get Texview 2 to work. I've seen the forums and downloaded a LOT of different versions, but it just doesn't seem to like my system XD.
Could someone with the knowledge (and a working Texview 2 :p) do this retexture for me? It should be fairly simple as it just involves copy-pasting some textures and editing them as bit to make sure that they fit properly. I can supply all .paa files.
Here is a picture of what I want (sry for the mobile quality)

using the V3S (Takistani Army) model...

and using the textures from the (Chernarus) or (Guerillas) V3S...

you end up with this (edit made in GIMP).
Anyone care to help me out? I will share the new Daizy mission file once I finish the mod. . .