vehicle parts bug

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vehicle parts bug

Daizy version: No AI

Bug: Whenever i go to pick up a vehicle part, i get an error message and cant exit my inventory.

The error message on the screen is: "This is to prevent duping, blatant/excessive duping = ban you have been flagged for review by an admin."

No matter what i do, i cannot get out of my inventory..

Please help!
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Re: vehicle parts bug

Try to move a bit before closing it, it should work again.
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Re: vehicle parts bug

In reply to this post by kevoski
kevoski wrote
Daizy version: No AI

Bug: Whenever i go to pick up a vehicle part, i get an error message and cant exit my inventory.

The error message on the screen is: "This is to prevent duping, blatant/excessive duping = ban you have been flagged for review by an admin."

No matter what i do, i cannot get out of my inventory..

Please help!
Yes, as Haleks said. Keep moving and spamming your inventory key. This is fixed in the later releases, though.