Re: AI Bandit Spawns

Posted by Above on

Stormforge wrote
Say I wanted the M9 to be very common loot item compared to other weapons. If I put it 2nd in the itemType list it seems that I would also have to put the percent for that item 2nd in the itemChance list?
Correct! :)

Stormforge wrote
Also to make sure I have this correct. To add items I only need to have a mod active in the expansions menu to put that item's ID into the list (with spawn percent chance, ammo ID, etc.) to get it to show up? I do not have to add anything else to the config.cpp? Like adding something to the file that tells it to look for the info on that item in say rh_mgswp.pbo?

I think I am most likely over thinking this making it seem there should be more to it than there is.
You're correct, apart from the ammo part. You add ammo to the loot.cpp, under military. That way they'll spawn wherever military loot is set to spawn (everywhere expect supermarket pretty much).

EDIT* Let's say you add M9 (this is now a weapon from a mod *pretending*). It will spawn with 0-3 mags without you having to do anything. However if you want magazines to spawn on their own, like other mags, you gotta do what I wrote above. :)