Re: AI Bandit Spawns

Posted by Stormforge on

class Military: Default {
		zombieChance = 0.3;
		maxRoaming = 6;
		zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier","z_soldier_heavy","z_policeman"};
		lootChance = 0.4;
		lootPos[] = {};
		itemType[] =	{
		itemChance[] =	{

Ok let me see if I understand this

lootChance = 0.4 //40% chance loot will appear

Then under itemChance after it determines that loot will appear 0.03 = 3% chance and corresponds to the Uzi, 1st 0.05 = 5% and corresponds to the M9, with the 2nd 0.05 going to the M16A2?

Then how would I link this to the weapon pack, or do I just need it active? Under //class CfgMods, //class CfgAddons, or some other way?

Sorry for all the questions and appreciate the help.