Re: Request
Posted by
DayZ_SP on
fedus_87 wrote
this does have all the maps available on dayz commander atm and about 15 more lol not all complete of course but they are there
Deploying "DayZ" on any ArmA 2 map is pretty straight-forward.
I will give Rocket credit where credit is due because while he made modifying SP a nightmare... Implementing DayZ MP onto a custom map couldn't be easier because 95% of the work is done by the mod (server side), so the map file (mission.sqm) doesn't require massive reworking to get it to work.
All you have to know are the basic modules (and the corresponding initialization strings) you have to place on the map in the editor and the rest of the mod does everything for you because it knows what to look for and spawns things accordingly. That includes Zombies, loot, wrecks, etc. And since it is an MP mod, players do the rest.
Deploying current DaiyZ SP on any map is almost the same process except it takes a little more work because of the added functions Unknown, Niceonegunit and Zed Hunter added that require more triggers be placed around towns and in the hills... But it's still the same basic concept of knowing what needs to be added to the mission.sqm (map) and just making sure all the right files (scripts) are present when you compile the map in the editor.