NEAR RELEASE: DaiZy v050 Overhaul!

Posted by Niceonegunit on

Gasp! What's this?
A mediocre looking banner? This must be an official release!

Nope. Seeing as Unknown and zedhunter have supposedly dropped off the face of the earth, I can't really say if it's official or unofficial. So we'll just leave it as unofficialofficial.

Anyway, I'm back after a really long time. Lost interest in this due to the fact we'd really done everything we can really do.

This release will focus more or less on bugfixes and polish. Some new features have been added, but I don't really want to add anymore. Features can be suggested if you want, but it is extremely unlikely they'll make any appearance. Let's get down to business.

- Features!
- Respawn! Yup, you heard it right. Respawn.
If you die, you'll get this sad cinematic death coupled with KIA music from Ghost Recon 1(Oh the memories). Yes, you actually die, no tricks or anything. No hidden AI dieing. Your character is dead forever. You got him/her killed and now he/she is no longer among us, good job.

You get spawned at random locations on the coast, , and start again. You are a completely new character, like I said, your old character is dead forever. You are a new person, have a new face, new voice, new everything(Minus the clone female). You can run back to your corpse and retrieve the loot from the body. All your old campsites are still there, bandits will properly shoot you, zombies still attack you, etc.

- AI bandit and survivors more aware!(I hope)
Not really aware, but they move around a lot like players now, and land their shots. On your face.

- AI bandits and survivors target each other properly!
Finally the dumb assholes shoot each other...

- Better AI dispersion!
No longer do bandits spawn in groups for 8-10 and hunt your ass down. They spawn in somewhat smaller numbers but appear in MUCH MUCH more places. Woods, towns, everywhere.

- Random Survivors!
These guys act like bandits, they roam around, and kill things. They are friendly and if approached, they will join your squad.

- Day/Night cycle repaired!

No longer is the game synced to real time.
Daytime lasts for 24 minutes rather than 24 hours!
Night and day at last!

- Bugfixes!

- Ghillie suits and camo gear works now!
Hooray! Zombies, bandits, loot, everything finally works!

- Stupid AI pathfinding somewhat patched up!
The AI likes to ignore you completely, and they still tend to do so. They seem to shoot at you a lot more now though.

ALL features and fixes are completed and implemented UNLESS it is specifically marked as UNFINISHED!

I'll continue updating this with all the new stuff I add/fix.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)