Re: Origins SP - the Discussion
Posted by benevolentdevil on
I've never understood why bloodsuckers and predators are so difficult/tough/fast in Arma2 ...
Bloodsuckers in normal Stalker games, aren't no where near as tough, and you can out-run them ... they are somewhat "tough" , but even the crappiest shotgun in Stalker , two or three, blast to face the bloodsucker dies.
anything that turns invisible , like bloodsuckers and predators , and kills you in a hit or two , and takes mega firepower to kill, is just ... over-kill.
When I do STALKER mod , I normally only put one bloodsucker on the map, "guarding" the most valuable/rare artefact ... and thats more for multi-player/lan Co-OP than it is for Single Player. Just ONE bloodsucker, can wipe out a whole squad easily.
Arma2 is bad enough with the "zig-zag run" pathing ... Bloodsuckers and Predators both run that pattern too, and they attack/appear on your blind-side flank 100% of the time. There's no way to really target them, unless they are pounding on someone else, and you shoot them from a distance.