Re: No new mods or updatesfor Arma2 Daizy?
Posted by benevolentdevil on
I think it's a shame no more arma2 ( arma2 OA at least) is being dev'd up.
Arma3 is fine of course, kinda what most gravitate too ... , but there are those of us with systems that will not run arma3 very well, and barely arma2.
I know, it's kind of a butthead call , asking for the talented folks to keep making things for us dinosaurs and low end participants.
At some point, I will have a gaming computer capable of my favorite games/genre's , but on a limited budget, never seems I can afford it realistically.
Also I am stuck myself in an area where all I can get is a Hotspot Wifi for a few more years still. I work at a campground, and there's no other broadband. The Wifi simply takes too much data on what they give you ( super expensive for what it is ), and even though it says " unlimited data up to you allotment) , I noticed already they choke back data stream enough it's too slow to run online in these games anyways.
I know I can't be the only turd floating in that shit pond. There has to be still many players wanting, wishing, needing some more SP activities on this aged game. I mean I know Dayz mods kind of dominate the list on steam online play , around 4k players still playing. So there's gotta be at least a third of that doing some SP stuff right?
I'll post somewhere else some ideas, ... can't say that it's still not scraping the bottom of a rusty barrel, but at least some different perspectives I've had while tinkering unsucessfully to make Arma2 OA do all I want it to. ( I'm no scripter at all. ) Editor can only get me so far, and usually means I'm stuck with some basic default arma2 self made mission. Things like Daizy I have to download someone else's work. And even then, while going along ... I will tend to think " you know, it would have been cool/awesome if you could only do that instead of this!"
If you guys feel unappreciated ... and over worked, I appologize on behalf of all us ungrateful heathens that do not take the time to stop and say, " THANK YOU!!! "
The work you guys have done, is appreciated and very much a welcome addition to what we can play and do in Arma2 series.
I know I appreciate it , and have always wanted more.