Re: [SOLVED]Map Editing

Posted by Above on

starrfiveo wrote
this may sound kind of stupid but i move the unzipped bp pbo on the the beta shortcut i have and it just moves the shortcut to a different spot and puts the folder in its old spot, like replaces it on the desktop, what exactly do you mean or could you possibly make a video on it?

You could just launch the game and go to the editor and load it. But you gotta put it in your editing folder for that (not even sure where it's located). And I got shortcuts for each mod anyways, so it's really easy for me. And I pretty much always edit code aswell, so there's no point loading the map in ArmA.

What I meant was literally just drag the folder onto the shortcut. I can't see why it would just move your shortcut. Unless you haven't unpbo'd the mission.