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Re: DaiZy Utes?!

Posted by A Hobo Panda on Jul 03, 2013; 2:05pm
URL: http://kodabar-dayz-daizy-single-player-forum.163.s1.nabble.com/DaiZy-Utes-tp10180p10186.html

Haleks wrote
A Hobo Panda wrote
Ok, so, **BEFORE** I start working on Dingor, would anyone be interested in playing a DaiZy Utes? Possibly with Haleks' Factions, if he allows me to borrow/use his Factions files? :D
It's up to you; but Utes is really small though - not sure how worth it is.
On the other hand it could be a good way to get used to making a daizy mission file; since it is a small map, it should be easy and fast to design/test ;)
I know, that's why I want to do this before trying out Dingor - this is much easier :) but I'm running into some trouble... I got the Singleplayer button enabled, and I took the mission file from a server I played on a while back, but when I try running it, it says the dayz_code is missing? :(
I have no idea what I'm doing. Trust me, I'm a dentist.