so i recently been playing the newly released taviana and decided to try using the code and files to launch the sp taviana mission to see if loot spawned in custom buildings and i found that it does spawn in all buildings so now all we need are the missions and the code is already there for the maps that are being released such as namalsk and celle which i want to play very badly so just thought i would share my findings
taviana dayz files hope this gets the ball rolling for celle and namalsk all we need are missions for them now |
yea i have tried myself but with no success if anyone has a good link to a tut for converting maps or anything that would help i would appreciate it i already have some knowledge in this but its all from just messing around with the files and teaching myself i know how to breakdown a pbo and compile and know most of the basic stuff but a good tut link would be very appreciated and if not then if someone with some knowledge of doing this would post a tut in these forums im sure it will greatly be appreciated by everyone here and thanks for all the work that all f you gods out there have put together already.
Yes, I agree with you. I have time, all I need is knowledge about adding the "player" system to new maps or whatever. I'd do anything for e42eX namalsk, or whatever. x')
I hope someone got a tutorial for this. What I think so far is, it should be easy to just apply the "player" system to a new map? As I said, I know nothing about this basically. But that's what it feels like to me. I got both the Namalsk SP mission, and the multiplayer mission. I tried to launch the multiplayer mission in SP mode just to see if I could at least run around, but I got stuck on loading. x') |
In reply to this post by fedus_87
Here is a quick breakdown of some of the things that make porting DayZ to custom maps kind of a pain:
1) The Randomized Player Spawn System This is just a built-in function, but what it requires for a SP conversion is a server-side version of the mission file with the correct spawn markers, so the SP game knows where to spawn you. You can add your own, but why bother when A) they're already done, and B) custom made ones would not reflect the ones online, obviously. 2) Loot Spawning System Like the Random Player Spawn system, it's a built-in function, but the problem is when a map has custom buildings along with standard ArmA 2 buildings found on the stock maps. This is what takes the most time when porting a map so it works with DayZ if the modders want to provide a complete DayZ experience. They have to manually add the custom building classes and IDs into the configuration files, so they properly spawn Zombies and loot. Then they have to play test the loot balance as well. They don't want one custom building spawning the AS50 for every player, nor do they want another custom building spawning nothing but a zombie and a can of beans, either. This process is just for porting a normal MP map to MP DayZ. The whole process becomes compounded when porting an MP map to an SP environment because now a lot of the online elements have to be simulated. Thankfully, Zed Hunter & Unknown have given us what I consider the best (and only!) DayZ SP modules currently available: The ability to place AI Bandits, AI Survivors and approved DayZ Vehicles & Weapons on any custom map with minimal effort. It's more than appropriate their mod is called "DaiyZ" because this is the core functionality of what it brings to the standard DayZ mod: AI units that mimic online play. Using these basic set of modules (found in maps 42b and on), you can take any DayZ version e.g. Taviana, and add MP features by using the built-in 2D editor and placing simple triggers around the map for the things you want to happen when you come across them. A perfect example is when you go to a church and two AI Survivors spawn. Same thing if you go to Devil's Castle; AI Bandits will spawn. Go to Cherno, or Elektro and hopefully a vehicle will spawn in the industrial areas, etc. The only real drawback to the current AI system... And this is because of how Rocket coded DayZ and not how ZH and Unknown do things... Is there is no way to make all parties see everybody else as a threat like they do online. A typical order of threats usually goes Player -> Zombie -> Bandit -> Survivor and it loops back to the player. Due to Rocket's restrictive coding, it's only one way with AI e.g. AI Survivor -> Zombie; AI Bandit -> Player, etc. And even the basic AI Survivor -> Zombie threat had to be "hacked" in by me and that was for a previous & buggy version of the game, unfortunately. I feel the importance of what ZH and Unknown did for this mod should not be overlooked, IMO. What they did is provide a solid set of modding tools that can be used on almost any map as long as you have the original MP mission file with the correct spawn points. It then just becomes a question of time, patience and a little know-how to get things up and running for a fairly accurate and robust SP experience. |
oh man thanks for your response dayz_sp your time into it was very appreciated by me. thanks so much for explaining all that you did. and yea i knew the custom building loot spawns where going to be a nightmare but what i was hoping was that since the files are already out with every thing working with namalsk in a 1.7.3 version which opens single player again that not to much more work would have to be done. and i more than appreciate what zed hunter and unknown have done i clearly wouldnt be to the point i am about wanting to play more maps with their conversion even though i can play those same maps online already lol. and also thank you what you and all of the sp community have taken it to in the improvments you all have made thank you very much. its why i know this will be accomplished its just a matter of time because all of you are awesome.
Assuming I have the time, I might look into consolidating various CfgLoot thingies into a single config.bin and handing it to DayZ_SP to include in DaiZy
Assuming, of course, I don't break anything, we may then be able to port DaiZy to various new maps as they're released, without hassle. |
I've just been starting to play Namalsk recently. And I gotta say... That map is fucking brilliant...
I don't really have much to add to the actual subject. Even though I wish I had a clue, and some info. I'd still kill for SP namalsk DaiZy, though. Would be mad dope. I know I said that alot, but I think everyone that tried Namalsk knows how boss it actually is. ^^ And yes, thank all of you so much for applying fixes and changes to the mod. Awesome work. |
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