more zombies

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more zombies

steve silent
i was just reading a post on reddit about zombie hoardes. and i got thinking .. and if you guys know the answer.

first i wonder how many zombies are spawned in total at one time..  ive heard around 500 in mp

next would it be possible to create large hoardes of 100+ spawn at certain locations like top north central point or even west central, and have them just wander

i really hope this is possible.. as it would be my perfect scenario
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Re: more zombies

In MP the total number of Zeds is defined by the number of players (I think it's 40max/player).

Your idea would be doable, I guess - if we spawn them at the beginning of the mission; using a trigger would cause to much of a noticeable pause and you would know that a hundred Zeds just spawned :/

Not sure how this would cost performance-wise though...