We have to wait and see how the stand alone release goes.
Remember, Rocket removed SP for specific reasons. As it currently stands, he could request Kodabar (and others) remove this entire forum and any download links to ArmA 2 DayZ SP / DaiyZ content because DayZ is now copyrighted code (even in Alpha stage) because it has gone commercial. This is why until Rocket & BIS give their express permission to release and produce DayZ SP content everyone associated with this project is in a holding pattern. The hard reality is Rocket might never give his express permission even after the stand alone is released, so I would prepare myself for that outcome and not count on him and BIS totally abandoning the code. On a personal note, I am going to be stepping away from the project shortly because I've done all that can be done (or at least what I wanted to do with it) and because I'm losing interest in the ArmA 2 version and am looking forward to stand alone as well. |
ah yea i don't know why all of those points didn't cross my mind i knew all those facts already too lol but yea derp on my part lol.
and yea totally agree with the way your feeling on the arma 2 version. and i am partly there myself but i still enjoy the game overall at this point but im soooo ready for SA. |
In reply to this post by DayZ_SP
Exactly what worries me.
Rocket can(pun not intended), at any time, and likely will, decide to skullfuck us.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
You got me there.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
Didn't mean to be rude, I'm just sayin' that I'm up for it, lol.
I doubt he would risk that kind of money on the mod when he got the standalone getting worked on, though. Or risk that kind of cash at all. It's obviously not ideal to shove it up his face, but to be fair, "we" are already on Google's frontpage if you search for "DayZ singleplayer". |
What do you mean rude?
I meant you have a point. Heh.
DaiZy Single-player Developer (AI Units)
In reply to this post by fedus_87
I have a standing agreement with Unknown and Zed Hunter that we will not promote or draw attention to the existence of DaiZy. I've never spoken to Rocket and I certainly don't want my first conversation with him to be via a lawyer.
Hopefully when the standalone is released, the situation may be a bit clearer and we can decide whether to carry on or stop work. I really hope Rocket and Bohemia will take the same attitude to modding as has been the case with the ArmA series of games. Rocket's pretty active on Reddit, so a DaiZy Reddit would be certain to draw his attention. At least one Bohemia contractor is aware of the existence of DaiZy, but I know he won't be mentioning it to the rest of them. |
Hopefully Rocket will get the standalone released soon, so we'll be able to decide what the future of all this is.
The agreement between Unknown and Zed Hunter and myself only applies to the three of us. If any of you guys want to go ahead and publicise and distribute the modifications you've made, I won't make a fuss. I'd rather we all waited until the standalone release makes things clear, but I can't make you abide by a decision I took with other people. I rather suspect there won't be a single player aspect to the standalone though. The future of the mod version of DayZ is a bit clouded too. Rocket has said that he'd like to continue the mod version as a development and testing platform for the standalone. But then Rocket has said a lot of things... It does frustrate me that you chaps haven't had more recognition for your excellent work, so let's hope that the situation becomes clear soon. One thing that stood out from the Kronzky/Rocket incident was that it was actually Bohemia who wrote to Kronzky to tell him to take down his SP file. Given that Kronzky's file didn't use a single resource created by Rocket (although obviously, running it did), this seemed to be a bit of a contradiction to their open modding philosophy. If all this did end up going legal, I would feel absolutely confident in defending this (I've been to court before), but such processes are, by necessity, lengthy and expensive and they tend to create a lot of ill feeling no matter the outcome. So I'd much rather avoid any legal challenge, no matter how baseless and silly. One of the main tenets of our rationale for not publicising DaiZy and its derivatives is that Rocket hasn't made any money from DayZ, so it would be unfair to provide a free alternative to a paid product if the standalone includes a single player mode. As Rocket has moved to Prague and is heading the Bohemia DayZ team, he really must be getting paid these days, so that muddies that issue a little. Blah, blah, blah... What a lot of fuss about a fun game of zombie-shooting... |
well said that last sentence sums up how i feel about this too lol. and i will respect the aggrement that you have with those guys aswell.
kodabar you have done alot for getting us recognition this forum is now my favorite place to be online lol and it gives us a place to share and get our work recognized more than any other place for dayz content so for that i thank you so very much. ![]() |
In reply to this post by fedus_87
I was quite annoyed at how pissy Rocket seems to be about exercising control over DayZ.
The cornerstone of the ARMA (and previously OFP) series was the fact that it had an active end-user community modding and tweaking the game. Honestly, OFP would have never even gotten off the ground if it weren't for the open platform BIS provided its users. They literally owe everything they have to that (including DayZ), otherwise I'm certain their game would've faded into obscurity like many games of that time did. I dislike it when people who make mods try to directly control how they're used. I got into it with the guy who made JSRS because I customized my own version of it for my personal use, and he threw a shit fit. So I donated 125 eu and explained to him that I had no intent on disseminating my personal version of it. He seemed fine after that. It just seems like being that fascistic about how much control you exert over how people play your mod is pretty hypocritical considering the game it was made with. |
Well unless I am wrong didn't he just release the dayz source code? So other can make their own mod for dayz?
But you have to understand it is his work and I am a modder too and I have certain conditions I like my mods to be downloaded under its just he is a little bit more stricter than most, I can understand why too he made a mod that is going to be its own game soon and he will make money off it, look at counter strike or garrys mod they started as mods and now they are being sold as standalone games if you came up with a great mod and it was so good that most new players of the game you modded bought the game for the sole purpose of playing your mod wouldn't you want it unmoddable so you can get the bugs worked out and make money off it? |
Did he release the source code? I'd be fascinated to see that. Obviously, we've all just decompiled the pbo files, etc in order to get the source, but it would be interesting to see if there's anything in there that differs from what we have.
Yeah I think he did I remember reading it somewhere but I am not sure about the info though.
In reply to this post by kodabar
Here you go it talks about it. and I think this the link: |
Thanks. I'm not entirely sure what that is. It seems to be the source code for running a database hive, rather than the mod code, but I'll have a look through it. Even if it is the hive source, it'll be interesting and helpful to see how it all interfaces.
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