chemlights and flares/helicopters/genders HELP PLEASE

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chemlights and flares/helicopters/genders HELP PLEASE

ok so whenever i start up to play and it asks me to choose the gender its a grey rectangle in each spot. no for helicopters and actually compiles for the helicopters theres no ka-60 and the compile is an error it gives me and now for the flares and chemlights, i heard you had to click "f" to scroll though the weapons to thow them but i keep trying and it wont wor PLEASEEEEE HELP
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Re: chemlights and flares/helicopters/genders HELP PLEASE

Well, first of all. Try not to spam the topics.
2nd: What mission are you running?
3rd: What addons are you using?
4th: What are the launch parameters?
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Re: chemlights and flares/helicopters/genders HELP PLEASE

sorry i figured out the flare thing and all that but theres still 2 rectangular boxes where the gender selection should be and the ad dons are Loki lost key and supportcall.