building a base

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building a base

Hey guys, i was just wondering if there is a way to spawn buildings in game? Basicly what im looking for is a way i can  spawn in buildings and walls to create a base.
Thanks in advance
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Re: building a base

There's a DayZ+ singleplayer that allows you do build buildings. However you need scrap metal etc. And creating buildings is hard as of now, because there's no map on how to and what you need. I'm looking for one tho.

Fedus_87's Namalsk 2017 should have the building script where you spawn buildings tho.
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Re: building a base

i didnt upload the version with the building spawner added actually... i dont think anyways cant remember lol so many versions of everything lol but the SP needs the variety otherwise i would be bored of SP already.
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Re: building a base

Well, either way. We deffo gotta get the buildings working. Somehow anyway, just a way to throw up a base. I will be researching houses/furnature/basebuildingkits.
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Re: building a base

Sound cool, thanks. sorry for the late reply