anybody knows if there is anything like this?

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anybody knows if there is anything like this?

i'd love to know if there is something exactly the same as the voice commands this guy uses in his vids. i'd love to have all those cheats and stuff he uses in my game. but this guy said. "these videos are only there so you know something like this exists. it's for personal use only" pretty much a douchebag if you ask me. uploading stuff so ppl beg for it but not sharing any of it. he even blocked receiving pms. disabled all comments on all his vids and you can't post on his channel.

here's the vid:

so is there anything like this?
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Re: anybody knows if there is anything like this?

All he is using is GlovePIE.

You can use any voice command software with ArmA 2 as long as it supports the Microsoft Text-to-Speech frame work.

Also, the guy thinks he's special because he was able to enable SP back when it was first disabled in Everybody knows how to do this, now, so he's not that special anymore. End of story...
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Re: anybody knows if there is anything like this?

In reply to this post by nodata12
but how can i enable these voice commands with glovepie? some kind of scripts for arma that activate these cheats in dayz and then use glovepie to voice activate them? because i'd love to have those scripts.
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Re: anybody knows if there is anything like this?

Once you have GlovePie installed, Google ArmA 2 GlovePie scripts and see what comes up.

You will have to customize the script to do what you want and some commands won't apply to DayZ, but basic movement (crouch, prone, switch weapon, etc.) should work because those are basic ArmA 2 commands.
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Re: anybody knows if there is anything like this?

ok i'll try that. let's hope there's a nuke included with those scripts