adding Loot cykle to 2.1 Factions + repacking Dayz_code

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adding Loot cykle to 2.1 Factions + repacking Dayz_code

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 Unfortunelly my PC can't handle newest release but i found faction 2.1 working pretty well so i wonder if it's any way to add loot cykly (by sleeping in tent) from newer release?

I found lootcleanup.sqf, player_sleep.sqf, sleep1.sqf, etc. I know i must add this but can't find similar thing or even nothing with action menu with tent, also i quiet don't understand scripting ;D

It'll be much approciated if someone explain how it works and how it should be done ;)


When I unpack dayz_code and pack it again it doesn't appear to be packed properlly
I'm using pbo manager v1.4
am I have to create new .bisign file?
If so, how?